Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday's Beginnings (72)

How are you faring in reading at the beginning of this week?  Are you starting a new book or finishing one up?

Here in My World I am trying to make headway into a schedule to settle into.  :) I've found so many amazing new blogs to follow and a tremendous about of amazing books I want.  So now I have to balance it all out; blogging, visiting, reading (ones I want and ones for review), and chats on other forums.  Crazy!  But I love chatting with everyone.  I will get the schedule situated here soon.  And once all settled in with boxes and such, that will clear up time as well.  And tonight I will work on trying to get some cleaning done at the old house as some one wants to come see it tomorrow! Yeah!  So, reading tonight will be limited again.

This past week I started Happy Hour of the Damned by Mark Henry for the Blog Book Chat.  The first discussion has been posted HERE, and we will be working on the second section this week for chat 2 on Thursday.  I'm back into The Half-Made World by Felix Gilman.  I've now got the feeling that I need to get through this book.  I seem to be taking my good old time here, and I feel I've been here to long.  So I will be focusing on finishing this book this week.

I did get through Never Tempt Danger by Denise Robbins rather quickly this past week and really enjoyed it.  The review is HERE, and if you would like to enter I have a copy to GIVEAWAY - HERE. (US & Canada only - sorry.)

My WANT list... I've added 5 books this past week!  I'm trying to be more selective again.  But knowing the great posts you all do around the blogosphere, I'll be adding all the ones I've not added the first time around. ;)

Received Last Week:

OH NO!!!
How can this be?  I didn't receive or purchase any books last week!  No, that can't be right.
*walking to shelves and scanning again*
Yep, no books last week.  But this is okay as I was getting books in pairs or threes and not reading them as fast as I was bringing home.  I will have to see what this week brings up. :)

So, How are you faring this week?  Does it look like a good reading week for you?

Here's to wishing you a great week in words and pages.

And don't forget you can link up your Monday's Beginnings as well:


  1. Wow, no books. Are you sure your okay? lol

    You know I'm finding with my nook, I have actually saved money because I can download as I read, lol.

  2. Hey honey! how are you? I hope all is okay with you and for you and your family. Is the move done yet? I hope it went great! I hope the holidays went great!
    Hugs to you honey!!!!!

  3. You must remedy that immediately! Dr. Melissa says that the cure for no books is more books! Go forth and get books! That's my order. ;)

  4. I did not get any books in the mail the week of Christmas until the last minute Melissa, since then will have a nice group of books on my first mailbox post of 2011 on the 23rd.... One of my main reasons for stopping the MEME rounds last 3 or 4 weeks is because every time I do them my WISHING TO READ LIST Explodes!

    I have a huge file of photos on books but instead of doing wishing list MEME with them think I am going to start doing a COVER LOVE MEME that I can link up with at The Book Worms every week.....

    I am doing good on my Off The Shelf reading challenge have gotten 7 so far and today finished TYGER TYGER, very good read! You are the person who inspired me to want to read the book way back in June when you reviewed it... I won it right before Christmas and the blogger had snow until almost New Years so got it late....

    Good luck on your schedule, sure wish I lived close enough to help you get rid of some of the move-in mess!

    jackie >_<

  5. I'm impressed that you managed to avoid new books last week! I REALLY need to do that too *eyes TBR pile warily*

  6. How are things gong Melissa? Seems like I never get here enough. Things are slowing down a bit for me and I'm hoping to visit more often and get more reading done.

    I've taken on a few more review book but haven't bought much of anything these days. I'm trying desperately not too lol. But I'm sure you know how well that plan can go out the window haha.

    I hope you guys sell your old home quickly and get things settled into your new home. And I hope you manage to get some reading done this week =)

  7. Robyn - I know, I thought I was joking when I first saw I didn't get any books last week. I don't know how that passed by me. ;) Although its okay with the pocket book lately. :) But still a shocker. I think if I had an ereader I would be in bigger trouble. So easy to download those books and not see them on the shelves. ;D

    Cecile - Hey hon! Doing really well here. Hope you are as well. I wish I could say the move was done. But alas we still have stuff in the other house to get moved. The weather is just so cold we don't want to do it. But we will have to do so soon. I'm just going to have to take time and just do it and nothing else to get through it. ;) The holidays were lovely! And we met some great new people I think we can call friends now. But now back to the grind and boring life of homebodies. :) Take care and hugs to you

    Melissa (Books&Things) - LOL! I like that cure! And an order from a great named doctor sounds like a MUST DO. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

    Jackie B - Oooo, sounds like you hit the jackpot with the books there from the holidays. :) I understand the reading list growing. I was having troubles with that too. But I've tried to slow down some, but I know they will end up on the list in the end. :) Thank you for stopping by!

    Casey (The Bookish Type) - I'm not sure how the no books thing happened. But It did make it an easy week on the pocket book. :) I've been trying to slow down so I can get through the books I have and review for authors too. But, well, it doesn't always work. Thank you for stopping by!

    Zia - Hi! Things are going pretty well for us. :) Hope all is going well for you too, and ironing out easier for you too. Oh, don't worry about it, I really understand about stopping by. But it seems as you've been still getting numerous books read. You look like your doing a great job getting through the books. I wish I could get through that many in a week. Oh yeah, the plan on not buying books. :D I always say I'm not buying for a few weeks, then that changes so quickly. I've got a few books I want now but holding off for the pocket book thing. :) Thank you for the wishes on selling the old house. :) Hope you have a great week! Thank you!

  8. Robyn - I know, I thought I was joking when I first saw I didn't get any books last week. I don't know how that passed by me. ;) Although its okay with the pocket book lately. :) But still a shocker. I think if I had an ereader I would be in bigger trouble. So easy to download those books and not see them on the shelves. ;D

    Cecile - Hey hon! Doing really well here. Hope you are as well. I wish I could say the move was done. But alas we still have stuff in the other house to get moved. The weather is just so cold we don't want to do it. But we will have to do so soon. I'm just going to have to take time and just do it and nothing else to get through it. ;) The holidays were lovely! And we met some great new people I think we can call friends now. But now back to the grind and boring life of homebodies. :) Take care and hugs to you

    Melissa (Books&Things) - LOL! I like that cure! And an order from a great named doctor sounds like a MUST DO. ;) Thanks for stopping by!

    Jackie B - Oooo, sounds like you hit the jackpot with the books there from the holidays. :) I understand the reading list growing. I was having troubles with that too. But I've tried to slow down some, but I know they will end up on the list in the end. :) Thank you for stopping by!

    Casey (The Bookish Type) - I'm not sure how the no books thing happened. But It did make it an easy week on the pocket book. :) I've been trying to slow down so I can get through the books I have and review for authors too. But, well, it doesn't always work. Thank you for stopping by!

    Zia - Hi! Things are going pretty well for us. :) Hope all is going well for you too, and ironing out easier for you too. Oh, don't worry about it, I really understand about stopping by. But it seems as you've been still getting numerous books read. You look like your doing a great job getting through the books. I wish I could get through that many in a week. Oh yeah, the plan on not buying books. :D I always say I'm not buying for a few weeks, then that changes so quickly. I've got a few books I want now but holding off for the pocket book thing. :) Thank you for the wishes on selling the old house. :) Hope you have a great week! Thank you!


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