My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I really enjoyed this one. I love how the game is a game to the players, but it's becoming more each day. They have a "real" life outside of the game, but the game is starting to feel more and more like home with the NPCs they meet along with other players that don't live close to them.
I listened to the audio book. I really enjoyed the narrators in this one. I liked there was a female narrator for female characters and a male voice for male characters. As there are narrators that can and do amazing jobs differentiating characters, this was nice to get a different voice to help with that. You get a different feel from different people, which is great when you have a nice size cast of characters.
There were problems in game, but they 'seem' to be better. Was Devon the only one feeling it??? Devon learns more when her old team mates come her way... about the nerve sensors, about needing friends, and how other CAN help.
It seems the "God," or the AI running the game, has directed her friends to her with their missions.
New problems rise...landscape's changing and animals are scarce...all part of Devon's mission. And a new enemy arrives. There's no knowing if it'll attack or where or tracking it... I love how we learn about this enemy. It's affected by the real world events and in game events. I had a feeling it was something along these lines with where things were going, but to see it come together is always great.
I really like the village Devon is creating and I'm worried about it's safety too!
In the real world, I've really found the troubles Emerson has unearthed with the system on the players very interesting. I'm looking forward to learning more about what he'll do now. But, the world of Big Business... so much to fight against.
I want more!
To see what comes of Stonehaven, Devon's guest, and Emerson with the Big Company. I even wonder if Haley will find her own piece of the world and the team will come out at the very end ruling it all.
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