Monday, May 27, 2024

Audio Book Review: The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh by Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris

The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh (Verity Fitzroy and the Ministry Seven, #1)The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh by Pip Ballantine
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love my steampunk worlds emersed in all things steampunk. The houses, things used, transportation, and the story. All steampunk related.

Pip and Tee give me that in their steampunk stories. I love it.

This series is a spinoff from their first steampunk series, Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences. I love that our main characters have a job to do, find the missing Museum expert Dr. Williams. And there's always action that goes with it.

Verity is part of the Ministry Seven. Seven, well actually eight, orphans that live on the streets. They are their own family and work with Agent Harrison Thorne on small things. Verity is looking for Uncle Octavius, and finds herself trying to help a museum expert that gets kidnapped. Agent Thorne arrives and learns what Verity overheard. Agent Thorne has a mission for the Ministry Seven... To go to the academy for talented young engineers. Three go to the academy and the remainder are near at a farm, waiting for when they are called in.

Each group has their daily tasks as they look around. And some find trouble, which works out to finding out great details they can use.

Verity, Henry, and Emma are at the academy and we follow along through Verity's eyes as she finds friends, deals with those who pick on others, and the teachers. Interesting place. I got a little bit of a Harry Potter feel while at school. But, instead of magic, it was with automatons. Kinda cool.

The Curse of the Silver Pharaoh is really a thing here. And we do get to see the Pharaoh! You'll get there. You'll get there. ;)

And like in The Ministry of peculiar Occurrences, we do have a few explosions. ;)

I had fun with this one. Great way to dive into a world full of steampunk and a case to be solved, even if there's a little danger along the way.

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Monday, May 20, 2024

Audio Book Review: Sword of Darkness by Keri Arthur

Sword of Darkness (Relic Hunters, #2)Sword of Darkness by Keri Arthur
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book has a little bit of everything I enjoy. There's great comradery between the characters and quick comebacks and fun between them. There's action and fighting while our characters grow and learn.

We spend time with Bethany and Lugh at the beginning of the book. Siblings. I love seeing them together and on the hunt for the relics. Even as Bethany learns what she can do, and what she's inherited from her father and learning about the Eye. Of course the gods all talk in riddles and they have to figure out what they need to do. It does come around and the hunt continues. Though, will they find the Sword of Darkness before those who have bad intentions? The race is close!

Inheritance, whether station or an item, can be trouble in a family. There's always those family members who always wants something, or has been told they deserve it.

It's interesting to see how family comes into play here, good and bad. With family also comes seeing more in depth the way of pixies and elves. We see Bethany do more as well as Cynwrig.

Bethany then spends the second half of the book with Cynwrig. This is fun with their quick heated remarks back and forth. I love the boldness and normalizing of the smexy conversations.

This book didn't feel as smexy as the first, but the fun hints are there. This book felt more focused on the action of relic hunting.

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Monday, May 13, 2024

Audio Book Review: Lady of Devices by Shelley Adina

Lady of Devices (Magnificent Devices, #1)Lady of Devices by Shelley Adina
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Claire is a nice girl. I like that she wants to be more than a wife. She wants to go to University when she graduates school but her mother is far from allowing that happen. They are of a high standing and she will marry well.

Until things fall out of the investments her father had and he has an accident with his pistol. Life takes a quick downward slide for Claire. However, Claire is a self sufficient woman that doesn't want to just marry. She wants more from life and to do more.

When Claire is left to see to the closing of their home that will be sold, she finds herself in trouble. And she finds her way to get out of it. All while befriending unfavorable children that become her charges and friends.

This is where things start to get interesting for me. When Claire starts to stand on her own two feet and makes things happen, even if by accident.

There's a lot of potential for this series and these characters. I feel like it can grow nicely. The beginning was of a Young Adult feel as the young woman starts to create her own sea legs in what she wants to do.

It's a short read or listen and one that fit into the week nicely for me. I'll check out the next few books to see how things go for Claire and her charges along with her new job.

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Monday, May 6, 2024

Audio Book Review: Crown of Shadows by Keri Arthur

Crown of Shadows (Relic Hunters, #1)Crown of Shadows by Keri Arthur
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love Keri's books.

She writes some amazing woman characters. They are mentally strong and can stand on their own to fight battles. They also can have friends with them and rely on them for help. These woman are not scared, well, they are but they face the big bads and fight on. They don't run when things get tough. They may run INTO things a little too fast, but they are determined. And the male cast supports these woman. They don't belittle them at all for being determined and have a mind of their own. This is what I love.

Bethany is a strong person. She may jump in headlong, but she's standing up for herself. And I love this.

We start off right into the thick of things with Bethany and her brother, Lugh. And meeting a few savory characters in Bethany's life. Mmm. Love these relationships. I love that there's a good friendship between Bethany and her brother, and they know each other so well. But the relationships with others. Oh these are fun. These are also what makes the book on the smexy side of things. So if you don't like serious smexy, there are scenes that are serious. (I had to turn the audio book down while listening at work. lol) Again, Bethany is a big girl and knows what she wants. And she goes for it.

I love that we are searching for relics. Bethany's not really one for hunting for things or ancient relics of magic or anything. She runs a tavern that was her mothers. And she is happy with that. But things get going and she learns she has a power that took almost a century to come to life, and with the help of the Eye. Now, Bethany is pulled into the search for the hoard that went missing along with maybe finding her mother that went missing about 6 months ago when the hoard went missing too.

I really liked these characters. The audio was nice and clear. I thought Bethany sounded a little snubby with the voice of the narrator at times, along with a few others. But the others are born of high station, so they do think they are above others. Bethany doesn't hold back what she's thinking. She says it like it is, and I love her for it.

This book does have a conclusion for it's story. There is a larger arc in the story line, and I'm wanting book 2 now. Thankfully it's already out in audio, so I can go listen to it. :)

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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Audio Book Review: Dungeon Lord by Hugo Huesca

Dungeon Lord (The Wraith's Haunt, #1)Dungeon Lord by Hugo Huesca
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I totally agree with Edward's playing ethics.

Edward had me on his side from the beginning when he was gaming with his friends and another who's a little self centered in the game. (There's always that one.) This person, Ryan, invited himself to their group Edwards boss at work. Not a good combo when Edward makes the decision to help others and save the team to win the battle.

Things get a little heated at work and Edward gets mad enough to do something he wouldn't normally do. This leads Edward down a path where he's intercepted by another and escorted to the game world, that's another world.

Edward has a LOT of up leveling to do. lol. He's seen as dangerous by the residents of the world, but he isn't like the other Dungeon Lords. He thinks things are a little off after what he went through with his bargain, and he's determined to not do what the god wants.

Things happen quickly in the beginning with getting Edward into the game. I liked this. The time in the world with Edward is interesting. We are learning with Edward about things and his abilities, as he acquires them. There are twists of words used and a fine line to walk in deals. This is fun to see.

Jeff Hays is one of my favorite narrators. I enjoy hearing the many voices he creates. And I'm super glad he paired up with Annie Ellicott for her to voice the woman voices. Fun! They make it so easy and fun to listen to the audiobook. I can differentiate the different characters easily.

And we have more to come! I'm looking forward to following Edward and his minions in the series. There's a fine line for a Dungeon Lord to walk, and Edward's going to figure that out, while helping the people of the land.

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