Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Who? What? Where? (48)

Who are you with? Where are you at? What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now.

Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

(This is a new meme I'm going to try and will tweak as I go. And please don't laugh at my lame attempt at drawing. ;D )

I'm actually between books at the moment.  So I thought I'd give you a quick scene from Percepliquis, my last read.

I stand with Arista, and several others, on the shores of a sea in the caves shining with a green light.  We made it this far, down the climb and through the narrow caverns.  Now, what dangers lay ahead of us?  It can't be easy, since other groups have made this journey and never returned, but we have a few special people with us.

By:  Michael J. Sullivan


  1. Sounds like a good adventure!

    Let's see... I've been spotted and now my life is in danger, but there may be greater dangers abound. Now, only if I knew more about myself!

  2. Melissa (Books&Things) - oh this was an AMAZING adventure. :) Ut-oh, needing to know more about... yourself! Wow. that sounds like quite a story. :) Hope you are enjoying it!


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