Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Who? What? Where? (49)

Who are you with? Where are you at? What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now.

Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

(This is a new meme I'm going to try and will tweak as I go. And please don't laugh at my lame attempt at drawing. ;D )

I'm with a little girl, Julie, following her through the Honeycomb.  Really a rather interesting place, I think.  Mobile homes are distorted and arranged crazily, or piled on top of each other, thanks to the influence of magic fluxes.  We are looking to find the leader of her mothers coven, in hopes of knowing where to go to find Julie's mother.

Magic Burns
By:  Ilona Andrews


  1. I am with Adam and Kay and we are at her BB in Lyme. We are about to clean the place

  2. I'm with Audrey Callahan in Ilona Andrews' Fate's Edge. We've just crossed the border between the Broken and the Edge. Audrey has just been offered a full-time job and it's a big deal cause most folks from the Edge or even the Weird don't have the birth credentials (like birth certificate, driver's license, etc.) to gain employment in the Broken (which is our world as we know it.)

    The Edge is an awesome series and Fate's Edge is installment number 3.


  3. I'm just arriving in London on the train from Scotland having meet a fan the start of An Expert In Murder...

  4. I so need to start that series.

    I'm trying to figure out who I am, who I can trust and tamping down my hormones. Although... he is a hottie and the rest are such good guys... I just don't know...

  5. Blodeuedd - Cleaning!?! Only cleaning? LOL. Well, I guess it needs to be done. ;D Hope you are enjoying the book.

    Dawn Davis - Thank you for stopping by and joining in! :) I do want to get into The Edge series too! :D Sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you!

    Mel - Oooo, that sounds like a wonderful mystery there! :D Hope you are enjoying it.

    Melissa (Books&Things) - lol. Sounds like you are in a delema with men there! :D lol. Hope you are enjoying it. :) Thank you!


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