Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tuesday Teaser (100)

Teaser Tuesday

is a weekly event
Sponsored by MizB of Should be Reading

Here's how it works:

Grab the book you are currently reading (anything at all)
Open the book to any random page.
Share 2 teaser sentences from anywhere on the page
Please Make Sure They Are Not Spoilers!
(Don't Give Too Much Away)
Just enough to pique our interests.

This Week:

With that, Arista threw herself down, wrapped up in her blankets, and closed her eyes.  As she did, the robe dimmed and faded until at last it was dark.

By:  Michael Sullivan


  1. Wrapped up in blankets and closed her eyes - sounds perfect to me.

  2. Interesting. I just want to try to say that title 3 x's fast. LOL

  3. I am so intrigued by the title. Without even knowing anything about it, this is something I would pick up and just thumb through.

  4. Petty Witter - Sounds cozy, right. :) Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Melissa (Books&Things) - lol! I haven't tried to say the title out loud yet, as I'm sure I'll butcher it. ;D Thank you!

    StephanieD - Oh, so glad you like the title. :) And to hear you would pick it up. Cool! :D


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