Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday Post #8

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer ~ It's a chance to share news ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share new about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead.


It's been a bust of a weekend for me.  I was hoping to get my Camp NaNoWriMo project done...start a new book...listen to a lot more podcast stories...yea right.  I didn't get to excel at any of it like I wanted.  I did take kiddo to football camp Saturday, which he seemed happy to have me take him as I believe there is a coach he doesn't get along with...Aaaand...he knows I won't deal with that coaches shit.  I'm a little lippy when it comes to such things.  And, no, I'm not just one of those moms that grips because he's yelling.  I think football is about yelling.  It's WHAT you yell at the kids that bothers me.  But, it all turned out well as that coach wasn't even there.

First, Camp, I'm so close to the end of this story, I can taste it!  I so wanted to spend the weekend on the computer typing away, and happened.  I spent it with the family, not regretting it, just wishing for more time.

As for read...I just finished one book last week with starting back to a workout routine here at home.  Okay, fine so the workout was only on one day.  But I'm trying.  And running the kiddo around for sports, it's crazy!

So, needless to say I'm a bit behind in everything (again) these days.

What's Happening in Books:

Current Read:
I'm...a bad reader.  I have a few podcast listens I want to get through and Nano is kicking my butt.  I do have an idea what book I'm picking up next, but we'll see.  Look for it on the right side bar here in a day or two.

Current Podcast Book Listen:
The Dreamer's Thread by Starla Huchton

Finished Last Week:
Vampire Voyage by Kelly Lougheed


Last Week on the Blog:

The Kaiser Affair by Joseph Robert Lewis  (review)
Mountain Challenge by John Mierau  (review)

Thoughts On:  The Dreamer's Thread Eps 9 & 10 by Starla Huchton

Tales from the Archive Vol 2 #10

Weekly Posts:
***NEW*** Mythical Monday ~ Kelly Meding talking "Of Heroes and Titans"
Teaser Tuesday
Who? What? Where? Wend.
Throwback Thursday
Freebies and Deals, on Nook too
Looking Forward To... 


This Week to Come on the Blog:

The Weekly Posts.
An Author giveaway of a Limited Edition T-shirt (Mon)

Tour of the smexy rendezvous spots on the Dark Hawk, by Seleste deLaney (Mon)
Author interview with Amanda Carlson (Thurs)

Thoughts on: The Dreamer's Thread Eps 11 & 12  (Tues)

Vampire Voyager by Kelly Lougheed  (Review Wend.)
In the Beginning by Philippa Ballantine  (Review Thurs)


Received Last Week:

For Review:
Promise of Blood by Brian McClellan
Goodreads Synopsis:
The Age of Kings is dead . . . and I have killed it.

It's a bloody business overthrowing a king...
Field Marshal Tamas' coup against his king sent corrupt aristocrats to the guillotine and brought bread to the starving. But it also provoked war with the Nine Nations, internal attacks by royalist fanatics, and the greedy to scramble for money and power by Tamas's supposed allies: the Church, workers unions, and mercenary forces. 

It's up to a few...
Stretched to his limit, Tamas is relying heavily on his few remaining powder mages, including the embittered Taniel, a brilliant marksman who also happens to be his estranged son, and Adamat, a retired police inspector whose loyalty is being tested by blackmail.

But when gods are involved...
Now, as attacks batter them from within and without, the credulous are whispering about omens of death and destruction. Just old peasant legends about the gods waking to walk the earth. No modern educated man believes that sort of thing. But they should...

I won Kate SeRine's giveaway which was for an ebook and swag.  The ebook I won will be the next release, when it comes out. :)  But here's the swag!

The Black Fortress by Jim Melvin
Amazon Synopsis:
Centuries before the rise of Invictus, Torg fought another great war.
A Short 28 Page Story— Prequel to the highly praised Death Wizard Chronicles.

Torg, the Death Wizard and hero of The Death Wizard Chronicles, faces a hideous Druid Queen who controls an army of minions through the immense power of her will. Among those doing her bidding is a Stone-Eater: a fierce and powerful creature who obtains its powers from eating stone.

Torg's First Death by Jim Melvin
Amazon Synopsis:
The Death Wizard Chronicles is a six-book epic fantasy that debuted in August 2012 (Bell Bridge Books). The main character, Torg, is a Death-Knower wizard who has died and then returned to life more than a thousand times. The Short 13 Page Story Torg’s First Death describes the first time Torg dies and returns, thus becoming the first Death-Knower wizard in centuries.

The Death Wizard Chronicles:
Book One- Forged In Death
Book Two- Chained By Fear

Entangled by Nikki Jefford
Goodreads Synopsis:
Two months after dying, seventeen-year-old witch Graylee Perez wakes up in her twin sister Charlene’s body.

Until Gray finds a way back inside her own body, she’s stuck being Charlene every twenty-hour hours. Her sister has left precise instructions on how Gray should dress and behave. Looking like a prep isn’t half as bad as hanging out with Charlene’s snotty friends and gropey boyfriend.

The “normals” of McKinley High might be quick to write her behavior off as post-traumatic stress, but warlock Raj McKenna is the only person who suspects Gray has returned from the dead.

Now Gray has to solve the mystery of her death and resurrection and disentangle herself from Charlene’s body before she disappears for good.

***Entangled is a young adult paranormal fantasy romance suitable for ages 15 and up.***

Forget You by Parker Blue
Amazon Synopsis:
Enjoy a free short story from the Demon Underground Series by Parker Blue!
At the end of MAKE ME (Book 4), Shade’s relationship with Val hangs in the balance as he tries to reconcile his own demons of the past with Val’s choices and her new role as Palladin of the Demon Underground. FORGET YOU is a peek into Shade’s past.
Sixteen-year-old Shawn, “Shadow Boy,” is the exact opposite of his sister, Sharra, whose nickname is “Sunshine Girl.” While she sees the joy and bright side of everything, he sees the dark-side all too often. Feels the isolation forced on them by their father more sharply. And chafes under the constant discipline needed to hold their powers in check.
When an argument with his father sparks Shawn’s shadow demon half, his world implodes.


Reviews in the Works:

The Crown Tower by Michael J. Sullivan
The Rose and the Thorn by Michael J. Sullivan
The Dimensional Shift by Frances Pauli
In The Beginning by Philippa Ballantine
Clockwork Mafia by Seleste DeLaney
Vampire Voyage by Kelly Lougheed

Hmm, looks like I'll be out of reviews in stock soon.  I'll have to speed up reading when done with Camp Nano. :)


  1. Oh I'm jealous for the Kate serine swag! I hope you'll enjoy all your books. Happy reading!

  2. Gosh, don't you just love when life gets in the way of your reading, yep me too! I've been extremely busy lately. What with the ghastly spring cleaning, the running around w/my kiddos, the outside chores starting up, and oh, yea, squeezing in blogging duties. I feel totally burnt out and I haven't finished a book in like two weeks!!! UGH, Need more time!!! :P LOL :D -->PS. Give it to them coaches, sometimes their heads are way to big, and they take the whole "coaching thing" the wrong way!

    1. Oh Silverlight. I hear ya! Starting the outside chores, *groan* Not enough time in a day. I'm getting burned out myself. I keep going, trying though. Hope you find that book that gets you hooked again. :) And I really tried to give that coach what he deserved...and he wasn't even there! Ga! Oh well. Next time I'll get him. :)

      Thank you and have a great week.

  3. Great job with Nano! Don't worry about being behind on reading, you're putting the time and work into your writing.

    I'm behind on visiting blogs; this week should be calmer so I should be able to get around more.

    1. Thank you Bea. I was hoping to do all the above with this nano. That was why I was only doing 10k, and that grew to so many more words. LOL!

      Oh, I keep trying to get caught up, but I don't get to comment everywhere. Have a great week.

  4. It's great that you are almost done with your story! I did Nano back in November and I can remember those last few days and how much I wanted to finish it, it definitely feels good to get to that point. Great job!

    Thank you for dropping by

    1. Thank you Michelle @ In Libris Veritas. I'm so close with this story, if time would cooperate with me. lol. Yes, the ending is the most exciting thing. :D Thank you greatly for stopping by in turn. :)

  5. Enjoy all your new books and good luck with Camp NaNoWriMo.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Thank you Sally @ Always Lost in Stories, for visiting in turn. :)

  6. you got some great looking books this week! I understand what you mean about the coaches and yelling, it's what they yell... anyhow, congrats on starting up the working out, getting started is the hard part-I've been trying to pick my workouts up a bit since I'm off to RT in 10 days... it's not always easy :) Book Savvy Babe

    1. Book Savvy Babe. Thank you. And yes, I'll have to pay attention to this one coach as he seems to be a little to rough in his yelling speach. *sigh* And thank you, I'm trying to keep up with everything and I know I need my exercise as well. :) Have a great week!

      And have a great time at RT! :D

  7. As much as I love reading and blogging, real life should always take precedent!
    Have a great week! :-)

    1. Mel, Oh yes. Real life comes first. I don't regret it, just wish there was another day in the weekend to relax with the blog/reading/writing stuff too. :) Have a great week.

  8. Yay for almost being at the end of your of your writing. Enjoy your haul and the week ahead.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  9. The Black Fortress is looking good, Melissa, so is Promise of Blood. Interesting books! I hope you next week will be less hectic and you'll be able to both read and write! *hugs*

    1. Kara, I don't know if The Black Fortress is free in UK, but it was free here. You should take a look. :) Thank you greatly!! :D *hugs*

  10. Oh my gosh... NANO! I've totally been forgetting to update my word count. Now it's going to look like I wrote ridiculous amounts in one day lol. Oops.

    Some great looking books this week - hope you enjoy, and have a lovely week! :-)

    1. LOL! Victoria Hooper, I was going to leave a note in my comment about word count at Nano, but I didn't. Oh my, you are one hard working machine in one day! LOL!!

      Hope you have a great week.

  11. Replies
    1. Teeheehee, Blodeuedd, yep. I'm so excited to get to it! I've been needing a great fantasy read. ;D

  12. Sounds like you've been really busy! Hope you find time to enjoy all the books you got this week. Thanks for stopping by.

    1. HarleyBearBooks, Yea, it's been busy. Don't know where the time comes from or goes. ;) Thank you for visiting.

  13. Some really interesting books in that haul. Good luck with the writing, I can only imagine how hard it is fitting it all in.

    BookishTrish @ Between the Lines

    1. Thank you Trish Hannon. :) It's crazy, really is. But somehow I can get it to fit...some days, not so well. lol.

      Thank you for visiting.

  14. Good luck with your writing. You got some great looking books. Have a good week!

  15. You've got some intriguing books there. Entangled has an interesting premise. And you're keeping really busy, between the sports, the blog, and the writing -- my hat's off to you!

    1. Thank you Lark @ The Bookwyrm Hoard, Entangled was a free one I picked up. I don't know if the ebook is still free, but you could look. :) Oh, thank you for the salute. :) It's crazy and I don't know how I do it all now that I think about it. lol.

      Have a great week!

  16. Great haul. Thanks for stopping by my book haul.

    Have a great day.

  17. Heard good things about Promise of Blood, that's on my pile as well. Hope you enjoy it! :)

    1. Nyx, I'm really looking forward to reading Promise of Blood, and hope you enjoy it too! :D

  18. I experience the reading funk or delays all the time. Sometimes I just don't want to read ;/
    Anywho, you look like you have a great list of books to read, hope you enjoy!
    CricketLittle Library Muse

    1. Cricket, I think the change in weather around here is causing the funk and delays too. Changes in seasons seem to do that. Thank you. And thank you for visiting.

  19. Nice haul. Haha - oh yeah, I've encountered coaches and teachers like that. Such joy they are. :-\

    1. Christy @ Love of Books, oh they are such a joy. Keep life interesting. ;) Thank you! Have a great week.

  20. Hey one workout is better than no workout, right? It's hard to fit it all in, especially when you're keeping up with a blog too!

    1. LOL! Thank you Barklesswagmore. That is true. At least I'm making an effort. lol. I got once in this week and push mowed the grass, that counts as a day (if not two!) LOL! thank you for visiting. :D

  21. The cover for ENTANGLED is gorgeous! It sounds really good. Hopefully you have time to read/review it :) Also, I'm the same way with workouts. I get so motivated to start. But they kick my butt and I quit for a few days.

    1. Christine P, I like that cover too. I have no idea when I'll get to in, I'm sorry to say. It was a freebie and the addiction to books kicked in. I had to have it. LOL! It's hard to keep up with working out. I use to do it, but then broke the cycle and well...getting back into exercising is hard. :) Thank you for visiting. :)

  22. Yup, Nano does that to your reading. I participated in Nano Camp last year, it was terrifying. Hope your manuscript is coming along ^^

    1. Celine, it really does! Oh, I hope Nano last year didn't turn you away from Nano to bad. So far I'm really pleased with this manuscript. Of course LOOOTS of work to be done to it, but yep, I'm liking it. :) Thank you for visiting!

  23. Awesome haul!! hope you enjoy them and have another fun week!!

    Thanx for visiting my StS and Sunday Post!
    Naomi @ Nomi’s Paranormal Palace

  24. Good luck with NaNoWriMo! And wow, you got Promise of Blood. I cant wait to see what you think of it.

    Thanks for visiting my Sunday Post

    Marlene @ Reading Reality

    1. Thank you Marlene Harris! :D And I'm really looking forward to reading Promise of Blood. :)


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