Amazon always has tons of books going on and off free. Authors have books out there, everywhere, for free. There are even novella's in series that are free.
I didn't know if you take advantage of the free book options when they are available. And if you do pick up the free books, or novellas, do you actually read them? I know we are all weighed down with books to series we have going and review books, so I didn't know if you got to the free books you've picked up. (if you even pick them up.)
I've picked up several free books, amazing sounding books. And read a few of them, but many are still on my Nook to get to. I do hope to get there very soon. But I pass on several free books as well. The reason, I feel like I'm taking advantage of the author and I won't get a chance to read the book to review it for them.
I know, there's no strings attached when the books are made free, but I know they are hoping you'll read it, love it, then review it. I feel like I can't live up to that with all I have here on the shelves now. And since I have a Nook, I don't pick up the free Amazon books. I know I sit at the computer at work all day, I sit at the computer for about two hours at night with blog visiting, but I like to sit on a comfortable chair, curl up and read. So I don't get the Amazon free books much as I don't like to read on my computer.
Then, with these free books... Do you pick books in genres other than you normally read in? This is a chance to try something out you would never try otherwise. It's a neat idea to experiment with new authors and books, even genre.
With trying a new genre or something out of your norm, do you then review it? I'm always afraid to read different books for the fear I will not like it, and then lead to a bad review because it's not my normal loved style read. Do you think that would influence your review because it's not you candy of reads?
Sorry to throw so many questions out at you. I started thinking as I went and the mind got away from me. I guess the first question is where I was starting... Do you read the free books you get? Then review them?
Please let me know your thoughts. And I've added a poll for those of you who don't feel like commenting. :) Thank you!
I confess I have a lot of them and I don't read them... I read some it's true but I always have more on my computer. I don't have a lot of genres I don't read but it's true it's sometimes difficult to read something we don't usually read. But well, yes I review them if I read them.
ReplyDeleteMelliane, you are not the only one. I've been collecting the free books as well, along with the books I've purchased. I read some, then I kind of forget about them because I don't see them everyday. :) Thank you for commenting. It's always neat to hear what other readers are doing, and how they feel too. :)
DeleteWhen something comes up for free that sounds good I snag it. I have a lot of those sitting on my Kindle, and I plan to read them when I get the time. That's my major problem with reading lately is getting the time. Sweet topic!
ReplyDeleteBeth ^_^
Oh Beth D! You are so right! The time issue. I wish I could sit around and read all day and night. I would get through so many more of the free books I have here...and the ones I've purchased too! LOL!
DeleteThank you greatly for commenting and sharing. :)
I'm not a big fan of the e-book world. My Nook Color weighs a ton. It's like carrying around a 700 page book all the time. When I'm offered ARC's or books in e-format I almost always politely refuse explaining that with my bad back I just can't spend the hours necessary to read them in front of a computer, and I don't like e-reading.
ReplyDeleteNoraA, I was not a fan of the ebook world. I got my Nook, and I'm more into it, but I rather have my print book more often than not. I understand the computer reading too. I sit on computer at work all day, then blog for a few hours at night, I don't want to read on the computer too.
DeleteThank you greatly for stopping by and sharing!! :D
For me it's not an issue of IF I'll review them because I make it a habit to review EVERY book/novella/etc I read on my site but WHEN. Time is a precious thing and there's not usually an excess of it. So while it may not happen any time near when I picked up the freebie, it will eventually. ^_^ (Though I still ADORE my paper books over ebooks and 99% or the time, they get read faster...go figure!)
ReplyDeleteOh GMR, I hear you. I review everything I read as well. lol. The time restraints are terrible! I need more reading time, more blogging time, and time for everything. lol.
DeleteI have to say I do have a habit of forgetting about a few, or more than a few, ebooks too. I love my print books, and seeing them everyday makes a difference in remembering them, and getting to them faster. :)
Thank you so very much for stopping by!
I pick form genres I usually read. In the beginning and wanted it all, those who sounded good that is, but now I try to narrow it down. And I hope to start reading some one day, when I get a reader
ReplyDeleteBlodeuedd, in the beginning it is so easy to get swept up in the free books to know one day you will enjoy, or hope to enjoy. Goodness knows I did. lol. I've had to calm myself down and think reality. I do hope you get a reader some day soon. :) Thank you!!
DeleteInteresting question! I know that publishers hope that you'll read the free book and love it so much that you'll buy the author's other books, but I don't feel the pressure to read/review them like I do with my other books. I guess I'm more stocking up for a rainy day when I download the freebies.
ReplyDeleteAm willing to try things outside my usual genre because hey, they're free! But I only download books that sound interesting to me. I do try to review the freebie mail offers (like the ones from Rhemalda), but don't feel as much pressure.
Currently have 60+ freebies on my nook and I think I've only read 2-3 of them. I planned to include them in my Off The Shelf Challenge, but I'm behind with that one. *blush*
Alexia, that is great! :) Glad you liked the question. I know I have ebooks for all occasions on my Nook. I'm stocking up, picking ones I really want, and hope to try out. lol. That is a great way to get ready for the Off the Shelf Challenge. I might have to join that one next year. :) Thank you greatly for joining in and sharing. :)
DeleteI have a bunch of freebies on my Kindle that I'm ashamed to admit I haven't gotten around to yet. Hopefully one of these days. They do tend to be in genres I would read anyway.
ReplyDeleteCarol, don't be ashamed at all! This post was not meant to make anyone feel ashamed or bad about the free books. I have several on my nook I keep meaning to get to, but time and all else, well, they are still waiting for the rainy day to come. But I'm very glad you joined us and shared. :) Thank you!
DeleteI pick up a freebies - put as long as it's a genre I like and a book I think I will enjoy. I try not to download too many because I'm bad generally at reading books when I have them. I do like to pick up freebies that are a little different so I can try something new!
ReplyDeleteMel - I like to try to stick to my genre too. But once in a while one will catch my eye, and I'll have to try something different too. ;) Thank you for stopping by and sharing!
DeleteI do read them and plan to read most of them (I admit I have plenty I'm now wondering why I bothered! They were more for 'fun investigation')
ReplyDeleteI've not read too many yet, but I haven't been an e-reader for too long either! Since they're free, it's easy that they slip your mind a bit and therefore they're not always on my list of priority books! Sometimes even they become free though and then also more likely I pick up quickly!
Interesting topic! :)
Rebecca, You know what you made a comment that is true for me too. I've not had my ereader very long, which adds to still getting use to the ebooks and remembering them, and getting through the prints we still have sitting here. They are the easy ones to slip past.
DeleteThank you greatly for stopping by and sharing! :)
I haven't read too many that I've gotten free, but that goes with what I've bought! I'm still trying to carve out time for my books that I own! That is the downside to book blogging. However, I still love reading the books I have to for review.
ReplyDeleteAs far as reading outside of my genre... I don't really have one. I have genre's I don't read (which are few), and no, I don't pick up ebooks for those genres. I only pick books I know I will read at one time or another.
Oh Melissa Books&Things, you are so right. My poor purchased books are piling up and waiting for me to get too as well. They do kind of fall in that category.
DeleteYou are kind of a genre hopper. lol. You read a little big of everything, and make them all sound amazing. :)
Thank you greatly for stopping by and sharing!
I do take advantage of the free books, but I only get the ones that really, really interest me and mostly in the genres I consider my favorite. Yeah, I kind of feel bad too that it takes me so long to get to them, but some of them I just can't resist!
ReplyDeleteHow have you been, by the way? It's been awhile. Hope all is well. =O)
Hi Michelle! :) I do enjoy the free books too. ;) But I do try to stay in my genre as well. I seem to have so many great books that I can't get through, I can't switch genre's, even if I wanted. ;)
DeleteWe've been doing pretty well. Always something going on with the kid or something, but doing well. :) Hope you are doing well too!
Really interesting question. I definitely download free books that I think, or feel certain, I will read, but haven't, as yet, gotten to them ... not sure why. But, I am careful in my choosing, because I feel I want to read those that capture my interest and not chose others that I know will not, or at least greatly feel that I will not. I don't want to give a false impression and just chose those that I know I won't read just because they are free. I do, however, switch around in genres. But that is because I love all types of books.
DeleteI have to say I've downloaded several books I WANT to read, and will read one of these days. But I've got myself quite a back load of books in print here as well. I think it's an addiction. lol! I try to get to them, but have so many to read. That's my troubles.
And it's wonderful you read different genres. I don't really cross the lines, and being so behind in reading what I got, don't get to try. :)
Thank you greatly for stopping by!
My answer is "Sometimes." I'd say I read very few. I sample a LOT of them. I have days where I'm not sure what I want to read and I'll sample five or more and toss them. Once in a while I find a really, really excellent gem and I don't get past another sample because I just keep reading. Unicorn on Speed Dial was like that. Joe Nassise's book, The Heretic was given to me; it was a real page turner.
ReplyDeleteSome of the freebies aren't bad or anything, but they don't particularly grab me. They're just okay in the first 10 pages or so and I move on.
Some of the freebies I think will be good, I read all the way to the end and get REALLY mad when the book gets worse and worse. I've only made it through ... a couple of those that I can think of. It happens, I know, but still it makes me mad.
Maria, that is interesting. I should try that with books, just to see what I'm in the mood for reading.
DeleteI try to be selective in the freebies I pick up, because I've noticed some of them are really like you mentioned. Not bad, but not something to put a lot of time into. And their are those that just get worse and worse.
Thank you greatly for stopping by and commenting!