Friday, December 16, 2011

A to Z Reading Challenge 2012

First 2012 feels so weird to type.  But on to a new year, and new Reading Challenges.

Jackie of The Novel Nation and I are working together to create a site with a few Reading Challenges to get us reading next year.  (Please work with us as we are just starting out with the ideas.  Hopefully, we will grow with this each year.)

One of the Reading Challenges I'll be joining is:
The Challenged Writers YA Reading Challenge

So, I was chatting with Jackie one day about my titles of books trying to find old reviews to share and had several letters that are blank.  Jackie had a wonderful idea of an A to Z Reading Challenge to fill these gaps.  One book from each letter of the alphabet.  Hard, but that's what makes it a Challenge.

I'm looking forward to hosting this at The Challenged Writers and joining you in the challenge!

Do you want to join us?  Go over to the new site and join in!  Head over and link up with your post, and once the new year starts we will be on a roll.

There is a chance of winning prizes at the end of the year, if you follow through with the Challenge through the year.


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