Friday, September 28, 2012

Movie Review: Clash of the Titans

Clash of the Titans

Release:  2010

Rated:  PG-13

Genre:  Fantasy, Action, Adventure

Length:  106mins = 1hr 46mins

Recommendation:  Yes, even for just the action and to see how the old story has been updated.

Princess Andromeda is the daughter of King Cepheus, who has gained a victory against the gods.  The vengeful god of the underworld, Hades, demands that Andromeda is offered as a sacrifice or he will unleash the Kraken against Argos.  A desperate King Cepheus asks demi-god Perseus to find a way to defeat the Kraken.  Perseus accepts the challenge because Hades was responsible for his family's death.  He discovers that the way to kill the Kraken lies with getting the head of the gorgon Medusa.

My Thoughts and Summary:
Perseus and his fishing family are on their way to Argos, when the people who have decided to forsake the gods break down a statue in defiance  rousing the gods.  Zeus is upset that his people are no longer worshiping them, and Hades talks him into letting him take care of it, to convince the people Zeus had created.  Hades takes on the humans, turn over the 'godly-beautiful' daughter of the king they wish to now serve or have the Kraken unleashed upon them.  While Hades is making his point, it's learned that Perseus, the man who despises the gods for killing his family, is a demi-god and is asked to find a way to kill the Kraken.

I should have known years ago I was a fantasy fan.  I was reminded in the ads before hand about Clash of the Titans from ages ago.  Yes, it's corny effects but I loved it then and remember it in detail.  This is the current Clash of the Titans and I enjoyed it as well.  A little different, but same basic story line.

But as much as I missed the metal owl, I did enjoy this story as well.  But the metal bird does make a brief moment mention.  The story shows Perseus from the beginning, and journeys through what I remember; a man not willing to succumb to the gods influences and stand as a man.  The journey with Io, the woman who has watched over Perseus is whole life.  She was an interesting woman to have around.  And when they visited Medusa, I do think I enjoyed those fights.  Oh the creatures we see along the way!  Well done.  And yes, Pegasus is here!  I do love Pegasus, and enjoy seeing the appearance.  Yes, I was a Pegasus fan when I was young, and still am.

Overall for me I really enjoyed it, and so far this series of movies.  The kid watched it with us and enjoyed it as well.  My husband has to agree with me as he is taken with these movies as well.  I think the graphics and constant action helps with that.  But I'm drawn to the mythology mixed with it all.  I do plan on continuing with these movies.


  1. One of those rare films, I found this version just as enjoyable as the original though you are right about the bird - I also missed him.

    1. Good to hear Petty Witter! It was similar yet enough different, it made it enjoyable. And yes, darn the little bird being left out. :D Thank you!

  2. I liked the idea of the movie, it's nice but I was disappointed as well. I don't know how to really tell my feelings, it was more funny for me.

    1. Melliane, sorry to hear it was disappointing for you as well. I'm curious to see the next of the Titan movies. I think there is one more out...if I'm thinking properly.

  3. I haven't seen this one yet. So many panned it and worried that it would be one of those shows that was so in love with the cgi that they forgot the plot. Hm...still you have convinced me to try it.

    1. Melissa (B&T) - I think I went in long enough after all the reviews came up that I didn't remember what was said about it. And I didn't have any expectations of it either. But if you try it, hope you enjoy it.

  4. -....I can't even remember if I liked it or not.. *not good*

    1. Ut oh Blodeuedd, must not have been good for you if you can't remember. That's okay. :) Thank you!

  5. I did like it. :) I hate 3D so I was irritated the whole time. 3D gives me a pounding headache....but overall I did enjoy this. He's pretty goodlooking, so that was a bonus. hahaha. I would like to see the second one as well. ^.^

    1. Carole Rae, I didn't see it in 3D, I think that's why we didn't see it in the theaters. But the dvd versions were regular screen. And yes, he was a nice looking man. :D Thank you!


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