Monday, November 22, 2010

Book Cover Released:

by Philippa Ballantine

The second book in the series:  A Book of the Order.

Spectyr is Due Out June 2011.

Stop by Philippa's blog and site to check out more details, HERE.

I really like the gauntlet (glove) with the runes glowing.  And it is nice to see these two characters here on the cover - such an interesting relationship.

I am currently enjoying the first book of the series and really looking forward to doing the review for it.

Guess what book is going on my list of Desired Books...


  1. Oooh pretty! Love the outfit and the kitty! Didn't I tell you to stop it earlier? ;)

  2. LOL! :D I think you might have mentioned something about stopping something. ;) But I just can't seem to stop! So many great new books on the verge, and so many great books already on the shelves! The outfit is so cool! That is what I want my next halloween costume to be. :D Thanks!


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