Friday, September 3, 2010

Book Review: Antiphon


By:  Ken Scholes

Publisher:  Tor

Publish Date:  September 2010

Genre:  Fantasy

Format:  ARC

Series:  3rd book in The Psalms of Isaak, 1st book ~ Lamentation; review here, 2nd book ~ Canticle; review here

Recommendation:  YES!! If you like intricate detailed fantasy with many captivating happenings all leading to a unified result, get these books.

Book Synopsis:
Nothing is as it seems to be.

The ancient past is not dead.  The hands of the Wizard Kings still reach out to challenge the Androfrancine Order, to regain control of the magick and technology that the monks sought to understand and claim for their own.

Rejoin the adventure in the Named Lands!

First Sentence:
A rising full moon washed the calm sea in brighter tones of blue and green, bathing the shoreline as well as the robed figures who stood upon it in dim aquamarine light.

My Review and Summary:
Well, being this is the third book in the series it may contain a few spoiling points for the first two books.  But, I will bet you probably wont remember them when you start this series as it is a long twisty road to get here.  (And so worth it.)

Oh, where do I start with this one. Ken has to have a metal mans memory for the wondrous things he does here. To remember all the little threads he starts, then we get to the new things created here. This book takes Fantasy to a whole new level with the old fantasy feel and mechanicals mixed in, then there are magicks in the mix and hints of gods and different worlds. This series is truly one of the most in depth mesmerizing epic fantasy reads I have been captivated by. The author is really talented.

So much is happening and every word is important to the story. The words could have so many different meanings to them when you start putting them together.

The story continues on in the lives of the characters as we go through the changes in the world. The chapters are broken in to separate Point of Views as in the previous two books, which helps greatly in getting all the information to you. And very well broken apart to understand each character.

Rafe - The captain of the ship was porting Gypsies to the Sanctorum Lux until he is visited by the Moon Sparrow used by the Francines in the past, to stop by an island.  And is hijacked by metal men.

Rudolfo - Once certain of what his place was and what to do, now is unsure what he is to do with the world that is crumbling around him.  He still works hard to help the refugees showing up at his lands and save the light, but at what cost to the Ninefold Forest.  How much help can Rudolfo spare in this drastically changing world.

Jin Li Tam - is still having the dark horrible dreams, but not as often now with Jakob better.  She finds a small silver mecroservitor sparrow trapped while she is walking in the woods.  The mechanical sparrow is looking for Isaak.

Petronus - now living with the scars on his neck and over his heart is having dreams wanting to be heard and understood, but he just can't grasp them.  Instead he wakes in cold sweats.

Winters - now living in a city for refugees by the library the mechoservitors are creating.  She does paperwork but it seems as she has lost her faith, the old faith of her people.  Waiting in this new life she is making, in the Ninefold forest, for Neb to return to her.

Vlad Li Tam - He and his few sons and daughters who where fortunate enough to be rescued have returned to they dreaded island, for six months now, to seek what they can of the Machtvolk who tortured them and have lived here.  Vlad Li Tam still watches for the light he had seen in the water that day six months ago.

Neb - He is deep in the Churning Wastes with Renard, his guide.  He has learned to survive and thrive here.  But now he sees new visitors, to fast to be scouts of the Gypsies or even users of the black roots.  But he still tries to decipher the response needed to the canticle of the silver crescent.  Neb and Renard separate to carry out different deeds with the new visitors only to find trouble lays in front of him.

All these characters are shaken up and a little lost with how to respond to the whole situation and happenings of the last six months.  And things are not getting better.

I did find myself getting lost in some of the story depth.  It is amazing the depth of the manipulation of the characters.  To try and piece it all together at times is hard to do, but I love trying to get there before Mr. Scholes.

There is a mixture of wizards and magics with science and technology in these books.  Even the hints of Gods and different worlds.  I would definitely suggest this captivating series to any fantasy reader who likes to get lost in the tangled webs of manipulation.

I received a copy of this ARC, as I requested, from Barnes 'n Nobles for Early Review and discussion.

This book qualifies for my Speculative Fiction Challenge hosted by Book Chick City.

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