Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Who? What? Where? (32)

Who are you with? Where are you at? What's happening?

Share with us just a little bit of what is happening in the book you are reading, right where you are now.

Just a tiny taste of what's happening, remember try to not give spoilers of the book.

(This is a new meme I'm going to try and will tweak as I go. And please don't laugh at my lame attempt at drawing. ;D )

I'm with Jax on Emry Station.  So much is happening so quickly and some things are not working so well.  Our apprentice jumper is showing signs of burnout before he even gets started, but some help might be out there after talking to Dr Saul.  And March is off avoiding Jax as she wont let him stray from our mission to create a policing force, to go off on personal business.  I have a feeling all is going to get really crazy soon!

By:  Ann Aguirre


  1. I am with Luke at the station and we are about to ask this guy some questions. He feels like a rotten egg

  2. I'm with Eli Monpress about to rob the Duke of Gaol only to find someone has just beaten us to it - and used Eli's name!! Absolutely loving this series! :)

  3. @Mel.. I'm jelly... I want to continue that series!!

    I need to get on these books! I swear you will have me getting every Aguirre out there! :)

    Let's see... I'm with a reluctant necromancer who wants to be a surgeon. I'm with an assassin and a law officer and trying to balance my life between them at the moment. Precarious to be sure!

  4. Today I am reading a new to me author and this is the breakdown at the moment:

    I am in jeopardy of losing my life to an evil Fallen Angel who wants to use me as a ritual sacrifice. My name is Azaleigh and Kale and Tannah and Gage are trying to rescue me before it is too late.

  5. Blodeuedd - He feels like a rotten egg! WOW! I hope he doesn't smell that bad too. ;D Sounds like an interesting character there. :) Thank you for stopping by!

    Mel - Oh, I was hoping to get this series some day. Glad to hear you are enjoying it! And sounds like you are on a chase to beat someone. :) Thank you!

    Melissa (Book&Things) - lol. You need to buy all the Ann Aguirre books out there! I think you would really enjoy them all. :) Wow. Sounds like you are with a few wild characters! And they don't sound like they should go together. :) Thank you!

    Jackie B - Oh wow. An evil fallen angel. Sounds like an interesting place to be there. :) Hope you are enjoying it. Thank you for stopping by!

  6. It sounds like it's crazy already!

    I'm with Prue in the Impassable Wilderness trying to rescue my baby brother who go abducted by a murder of crows...

  7. StephanieD - Oh it is crazy, in a great way! :) Sounds like you are in a bit of a tight spot there too. Hope you are enjoying the read! :) Thank you!


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