Thursday, December 3, 2009

Balderdash (14)

Word Verification Balderdash
is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.
This is very easy to do.

If you comment on blogs you can do this too.

Write down all the word verifications you get while posting comments on other peoples blogs.
You then play Balderdash with them.
In case you don't know how to play, you take the made up word and come up with an authentic sounding definition for it.

Do this for a week and then post your best or favorite ones every Thursday.

Here are mine for this week:
Vitenspa - an elegant spa retreat, which is reasonably priced, that uses all natural minerals and vitamins in the spa treatment.
deditch - when your friends track you down in the mall to hang our with you for the remainder of the time there, after they ditched you when you all first got there.
aphympi - the sudden frightening thought that you forgot to do something and then remember you needed to do it yesterday.
comploi - to think over a ploy to use people to help others or get what one needs.
spinguse - the need to use that newly purchased or gifted item as soon as you get home with it.
pyred - the process of burning any and all burnable items to get rid of them.


  1. These are fantastic, Mel! Good job!

    I feel I know aphympi very well. Haha :D

  2. Hey Krista! Glad to see you made it by. I hope all is going well. Yeah, I know the feeling of aphympi very well. I do it all the time anymore.

  3. Fantastic words this week. I can't find my list of words for this week so I'm going to have to skip out on this one.

  4. Oops! Is it time for Balderdash already? Have to get my list together and post it.

    Enjoyed your words! Would love to go to a Vitenspa! And have suffered from Aphympi too many times to remember! *L*

  5. I think I need to go to Vitenspa... but I'll have to comploi about how I'm going to do that.

  6. Ryan - Sorry you can't find your words. You always have great words and definitions. I look forward to your words next week then.

    La Coccinelle - The Vitenspa sounds wonderful. Doesn't it. I think it will get booked up quickly. I do have to say I really enjoy how you used the words in a sentence. Makes them more real.

    Petty Witter - This is the feeling I have been getting lately. I think it may have to do with the season. I like this feeling though. Makes me think I bought something I really wanted and will enjoy.

  7. Oh! I just experienced aphympi!!!! I did mean to do this yesterday - LOL! I have some great words too and just have been so busy! GAH! I will be back on it next week! :)

    Great list Melissa!

  8. Hi, Melissa! Now I have word for it -- aphympi. I always thought that my forgetfulness is a result of my getting older! Hehehe.

  9. Sheila - It is okay, we all experience aphympi at times. Just carry your words over to next week! I would love to see what they were, then add a few new ones too.

    Peter - Aphympi may be a result of getting older, but none of us want to admit to it. LOL! So we are all safe. Thanks for stopping by!


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