Thursday, August 27, 2009

Word Verification Balderdash (2)

Word Verification Balderdash is a weekly meme hosted by Sheila at One Person's Journey Through a World of Books.
This is very easy to do. If you comment on blogs you can do this too. Write down all the word verifications you get while posting comments on other peoples blogs. You then play Balderdash with them. In case you don't know how to play, you take the made up word and come up with an authentic sounding definition for it.
Do this for a week and then post your best or favorite ones every Thursday.
Here are mine for this week:

Madippr - the Madhatters brother whom runs around with a ladle (hence dipper).
thedness - the darkness you feel or see when you wake in the middle of the night and have lost where you are for the moment.
glancr - the quick third glance you do when you see someone you thought you knew from years ago or that person you really didn't want to see, yet you are not 100% sure.
PolyT - name of a new tea shop chain that will be opening in a neighborhood near you, which serves a multitude of different flavored teas.
brizatur - the bra wedge you get when you turn with your hands full and stretch to far to reach something and the bra shifts. (usually can thank the kids for this one-they have you going in 30 directions.)
Okay, now its your turn! Lets see what you got...


  1. First of all Madippr is hillarious! Secondly, thedness is experienced at least a few time a week by me. You have great words, congrats!

  2. Too funny! Love Madippr! And glancr and PolyT are my favorites! Really clever words, and I can't wait to see what you come up with next week! Great job! :)

  3. I have done glancr many times... kind of in the fashion of, Glance #1"I think I know them"... Glance #2 "do I know them" and Glance #3 "who is that?"

    Great post - thanks for playing! :)

  4. Hello, nice blog you have here! Keep on writing. I am now a follower. I, too, have a book blog that you might enjoy. Click on the link: Creative Views and see if you like it enough to follow. Thanks.

  5. Ha. Ha, Great words, Mel! Too funny! I really love these posts! Everyone who joins in seem to be very clever!

  6. Love it! you and Ryan are so creative with these!

  7. An award for you on my blog! You gotta love'em! LOL!

  8. It's great! I admire you all that do this one. I haven't attempted it yet...can't seem to wrap my brain around it..ha ha!

    I have an award for you on my blog!

  9. Thanks all for stopping by. I am glad everyone enjoys these. I try to have fun with doing them.

    Sheila, I do have to agree with all three glances. I have done them myself many times.

    HeartNet, thanks for stopping by. I will definetly stop by and see your sight! Thank you again!


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