Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Favorite Fictional Character (28)

Meme Sponsored and hosted by the creative mind of Ryan at Wordsmithonia.

I have not been doing this post as often as I really want to, and I am sorry for that.  It is not for the shortage of characters I enjoy, but more of a time thing by Wednesday anymore.

I have once again been reviewing my books as I tote them up for just a short time.  And there are a few books to be coming out in the next few months that I am looking forward to.  But, as I looked through a few I started refreshing myself with the characters again in anticipation of the new releases to come.  One book due out in October is Wintertide the fifth book in the series by Michael J. Sullivan.  So I started thinking on these characters again...

Yes, we have our obvious favorites the thief and his mercenary partner.  I have already mentioned Princess Arista in the past.  But, I have a character that has taken me a little by surprise... Thrace or Modina.  Thrace is her name given by her parents.  Modina is the name given when she is adapted to be the Queen.

Thrace started as a strong willed young woman on a mission to find the two who are well known and could help her, back at her home with a particular creature no one can kill.  She finds herself in a little predicament, which she is saved from.  Thrace has goes through some tough times and just when you think this one will break her, she holds her head up and keeps going.  Then the time you think she can get through this one just like the other rest...she hits rock bottom.  And a hard rock bottom at that.  It all finally catches up with her. 

At this dark hole she falls in she is elevated to one of the highest powers she or anyone could be.  Thanks to some great secondary characters she is helped to move past these tradgic events and starts to come back to the smart character she is.

Thrace has much knowledge to share with us fore others thought she didn't know she heard and understood what was happening.  This girl is one to pay attention to in the future.  She will be able to help make things happen.

Thrace does not appear in the first book ~ The Crown Conspiracy, but she makes her debut the second book ~ Avempartha.

If you would like to check out this series, CLICK HERE to go to Michael Sullivan's site.

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