Monday, June 17, 2024

Audio Book Review: Ring of Ruin by Keri Arthur

Ring of Ruin (Relic Hunters, #3)Ring of Ruin by Keri Arthur
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Oooooh. Masterpiece. I love how this book finishes the original arc of the Claws and connects what's to come to other pieces of this storyline. Nicely done. It feels seamless.

This book is looking for the third relic of the Claws and protecting the one that Bethany has. I love how it all ties together. Who the person is behind it all. How they know where Bethany, Lugh, Cynwrig, and others are. There's a reason for what they do. And what they plan to do... Oh I love this little twist! Brilliant.

If I was Bethany, just the thought of seeing one of those horrid creatures again would stop me. I know, there's a world at stake and the bad group wouldn't stop and will make her see them.... I guess she's getting great experience fighting them and dealing with them.

We get to see Bethany has a little more to her love life too. I'm curious to see her balance that along with finding the answers to other questions as well. I can't wait to continue listening to this series!

Keri is always amazing at creating the woman and supporting characters. Love the strength and respect for them.

The narrator is a wonderful voice for these stories too. Clear audio and speaking is wonderful.

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Monday, June 10, 2024

Book Review: Ambush by Krista D. Ball

Ambush (Tranquility Book 6)Ambush by Krista D. Ball
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This was a full ending to the series bringing the characters through the battles they must fight, mentally and physically.

I loved this book. We see how Bethany has grown over time with the help of her friends and loves. She's still Bethany and if there's a fight, you'll find her at the center of it even if by accident. I love Bethany for being herself. I love the friends who surround her because they love her for who she is, through and through.

There's battles to still be fought. Bethany and Arrago and the crew are there to see those through. They also need to learn about their abilities that are surfacing. Can they keep it all quiet from people? What are the people going to think if they find out.... fear, aw, worship... They don't want any of it.

Things escalate to an all time high with the battle coming in the North along with Jud coming with the Elf knights. All putting pressure on Bethany, Arrago, Kiner, Javon, and even Erem. The pressure also ignites their abilities in ways they don't want. And someone's life, or many lives, will end due to it all.

This book was a great conclusion to the adventures of Bethany. I really enjoyed how it ended. Sad to see it end, but worth reading. If you love Bethany for her snark and fighting, you'll love this too.

Thank you for taking me on this journey.

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Monday, June 3, 2024

Audio Book Review: The Mystery of Emerald Flame by Pip Ballantine

The Mystery of Emerald Flame (Verity Fitzroy and the Ministry Seven, #2)The Mystery of Emerald Flame by Pip Ballantine
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Adventure with Steampunk, perfect!

Our Ministry Seven divide to deal with two different things. Verity and a few of the younger members head out on airship with her new friend from the academy to find out about the Emerald Flame. Henry and the rest of the Seven stay home, and look into the Illuminati and if they know their address.

Things are getting complicated. And the things both see... wow.
Henry looks to go undercover in the Illuminati to get the information they need. What he sees is... frightening. To see someone have that power. To do that with automatons and people... It can be allowed to keep happening.

Verity goes on a trip and the things she learns about the Sound that she can do and the Emerald Flame are amazing. Seeing Verity in action using the Sound to affect automatons is amazing. To see the ancient dig site and imagine the underground city. It sounds amazing.

I love that the steampunk stories by Pip and Tee are always full of the equipment. The world is truly what it says it is. This along with the adventurous story is what keeps me coming back to them.

Pip is the narrator of the story as well. I love her voice and accent. She does well with the voices of the kids of London along with the adults.

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