Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Author's Favorite Quotes Fantasy, Resa Nelson

I wanted to include authors of books I've loved.  And what better way of including them then having quotes from the books?  A great way to introduce you to the books and share a bit from them.

This author got to share from two books from the Top 5 Fantasy list.  Resa Nelson has two of her books to share from.  Resa shared 5 different lines from the book that she really loved.  I have to agree, these lines are powerful!  Amazing picks Resa!

From The Dragonslayer's Sword:

Astrid knew she was a monster, and she didn't know what the world outside her isolated home would do to monsters.
Unwittingly, her breath began to match the rhythm of the dragon's panting.
So she threw a hammer at his face, as hard as she could.
"Blossom was the prettiest, sweetest horse I ever stole."
But her opinion of others still carried the power to change them, whether Astrid desired it or not.

From The Iron Maiden:

When she looked down and saw the mass of her long, dark hair on the ground, surrounding her like seaweed that had washed up on the beach, someone might as well have stolen her dagger and driven it through her heart.
"But there is more to life than being safe."
She had every faith that he understood the intention of a sharp blade, even when it belonged to the lowly head of an ax.
A woman made of strands of white and gray smoke turned to look at Vinchi.
He stood for several more seconds before he realized that if he didn't wipe the tears welling in his eyes, they might turn to ice before he could rejoin the men walking away from this ghastly place.


  1. Nice quotes. Love the sound of the dragon in the first! :D

    1. Oh Melissa (B&T) The dragons are a very important piece of this one. So need to read them. :)

  2. First I was all what? Then I noticed that it did not say what I thought it said. I read Fantasy resa and was all fantasy journey? Oh it was her name, lol. I read it in the wrong language

    1. Bahahaha! Blodeuedd, Oh that's great. :D I never even thought of that. :D Thank you!

  3. Happy Blogoversary!!!
    Thanks for sharing your favs with us


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