Thursday, May 5, 2016

Where Do We Get Book Details Before You Buy?

I know, I had said this would be a three part discussion. It's grown to a fourth week. With doing the discussion posts about Amazon reviews and where we all post them at, I've learned that I'm not the only one that does NOT read Amazon reviews (unless it's a name I recognize). So that brings a new question to mind...

What weight do Amazon Reviews really carry? And for who?

This question is two sided. For readers and authors.

The author side, Amazon reviews, when hit the magic number posted, help authors by advertising their book in emails and such.

I'm thinking people that are not bloggers will benefit from this. People who buy books and read but don't post reviews, there are loads of them out there as I have several friends who do this, are who read the reviews present and purchase based on them.

It helps the author on that end.

But for Bloggers, we don't seem to verify books that way. Do we not trust those reviews? I don't know if it's trust the reviews for me in the way of the reviews are lies, I think I want to hear it from a friend. We trust our friends, even when they don't like a book they share why and we can decide if we still want to try it (and sometimes we very much do want to). We get our book details from blogs we visit and Goodreads. Or so it seems from the comments I've read.

I know I get most of my book details and recommendations from blogs I follow AND from publishers I follow. I get emails of books to release from publishers that put out books in my genre. This helps me see what's coming and plan for them. That's the recommendation. But I want to know ABOUT the book. So, when I see a book in these emails, I go looking for it. I'll search the author and look through their website about it along with mark it on Goodreads for my Want List.

Sometimes I find books through authors I love because they drop a name of another author or book coming out. But this seems to be hit or miss with authors. Some authors are amazing at sharing the love, and I look into what they mention, but not all share other authors much, so I don't always use this as a tool to find books. But again, if I like the sounds of a book, I'll go searching for the authors site to learn more about the book and Goodreads to see what people are saying.

In reading what people are saying about a book, I look for a well rounded review. I'm sure you are a lot like me and can sniff out a bullshit review. Sure, we all have those books we gush over and love. I love seeing those reviews, the love that the reader felt. But I also look for well rounded reviews that share about all angles of the book; plot, characters, writing style, world, and how it all plays together. But that's how I try to write my reviews too, so that's just my preference. But the bad reviews help too. I want to see what people are complaining about. Again, I can sniff out a bullshit bad review too. We can all see it. We know what to look for in reviews, and books. It's a preference that seems to run in line with the books we love.

I'm curious about you and your book relationships. Where do you look into books at? Where do you find your book recommendations? Do you buy books based on author recommendations? Authors you love being quoted on a book? Or publisher sites?


  1. I get that the authors wants good ratings and many reviews, but I so do not trust amazon reviews. I never read them

    1. Blodeuedd, I hear ya on the amazon reviews. I always feel they are added by friends and I hate posting negative reviews as the authors can go a bit overboard when they see them.

  2. If it's a new to me author I check a few friend's reviews if they've posted on GR. Otherwise I base it off my thoughts :) For products (not books) I check Amazon reviews, but that's about it

    1. LilyElement, I'm the same way. I check Goodreads for friends but if no friends I research more into the book to see if something I'd like. But for products, definitely I look at the reviews. And ask questions. :)

  3. I never read Amazon book reviews. If I want to know more about a book, I read Goodreads reviews and those on blogs I visit. I basically just use Amazon to buy books. I only read reviews for non book products on the site that interest me ie solar lamps and so on.

    1. Chuckles, this seems to be the going way of things. It's crazy it has to be that way with books and not so much with other products.

  4. Usually it's friends reviews on Goodreads I look for. If the book has no reviews from my friends then anyone else will do. I do find gushing reviews with lots of gifs suspicious as they don't really tell me much about the book itself. :)

    1. Kara Karina, Now that's something to talk about too! The gifs. I find them funny at times, but not as much helpful in the way of learning about the book. Thank you!


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