Monday, July 1, 2024

Book Review: Valkyrie's Call by Michelle Manus

Valkyrie's Call (Aspect Society #2)Valkyrie's Call by Michelle Manus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Michelle is great at viewing reactions and sharing how the other party sees those reactions. And how many times they are misunderstood. Our personal doubts can cloud our interpretation of actions or expressions. And that is something that happens in this book.

I love Random. I love Valkyrie.
These characters and the story are perfect for me.

Michelle moves the story forward with Valkyrie with Elijah being missing. Valkyrie needs to find him, and it's not why many think she wants to find him. She wants her few friends and family to be safe and if he's alive, they won't be. There's so much more to this story than anyone expected. Also looking for other kids who were taken by Danvers for experiments as well. I almost had this one figured out.

We do see both views in this book, of Valkyrie and Random.

Oh Valkyrie. She's been holding so so so much in and hiding more than we ever could have known. I figured some of it, but not all of it. Random. I love getting to learn more of Random's Aspect and his history as well. I love how everything mentioned or thought by the characters comes up and we see both sides of the moment.

I couldn't put this book down. I didn't want to put this book down.

The ending...*sigh* We get to see all the events to the end with the mission Valkyrie has herself on, and it's a much needed ending. I love how after all the emotional hurt that happened through this book needed time to heal, and it's given respectfully.

This does have steamy scenes that follows the story and the characters. I don't think they are the reason for the book which is nice. They are there but the story has it's own plot that is important.

Goodness do I love Michelle's writing style and plots and more.

View all my reviews

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