Monday, July 29, 2024

Book Review: Crave the Darkness by Amanda Bonilla

Crave the Darkness (Shaede Assassin, #3)Crave the Darkness by Amanda Bonilla
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Oh Darian... She's so strong willed. It's great to see, but sometimes that can be broken too. And when that happens, it's not always in a good way.

Things are on the outs with Tyler. And things heat up with Xander. And Darian doesn't know how she feels. She is lost to the absence of Tyler for so long. And when she does see him with.... Oh that is something that's hard for her to see. Raif and Xander are determined to get her out of her home and back into action. What they don't realize is the broken heart can sometimes cloud judgement or decisions...

Darian's given the job to protect Anya and her unborn child. Anya wants her husband protected. And Anya knows more than she's sharing, which could be dangerous for all.

Darian's also given a job by messenger. This job is a complicated one but she's determined to take care of it.

Darian is taking a lot of things personally in the state of mind she's been in. She's failing at a lot of things and making mistakes. It's hard to pull out of that hole when there. So she's determined to solve it all on her own.

Such an emotional ride here with Darian. But I love that Darian still has her quick clips that come out. She's always great for fun remarks.

How this book ends... I had to dive into the next book.

I do want to share that there could be a trigger warning with this book. One character is a Succubus. And he can take advantage of the unwilling. I will give Amanda credit. She took on a tough and emotional subject here and it works. A terrible moment.

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Monday, July 15, 2024

Audio Book Review: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Queen of Shadows (Throne of Glass, #4)Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I think this is my favorite book so far.

So much happens and it all comes together. Celaena, or now known as Aelin, has lived a full life as an assassin. She has seen and lived many things in her life. And it all shows now. She takes all the things she's seen and learned and information about people and puts it all into play here.

I really liked that there's mysterious actions earlier in the book, then we get the answer as to what she was doing or where at. And then why. To see all that Aelin plans out. WOW! That girl has a creative mind and I love it.

I love that she surprises people with her plans too. She has a young personality and a mind full of information. She really does deserve a happy life.

I'm surprised at the arrival and play of one character in the story. Didn't expect to see that character do what they do. And I'm curious to see how things go with that character in the future and the plan for the wyrd keys... with that person and with Aelin.

I loved what we learned about the main characters in play. Oh, and then there's all our friends. So much happens! And they all come into play.

Such a great story with lots of movement and action. And we get results.

I'm sorry if this sounds vague. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone. So if you've read this book and want to talk details, I'm here for you!

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Monday, July 8, 2024

Audio Book Review: Throne of the Ancients by Carrie Summers

Throne of the Ancients (Stonehaven League, #6)Throne of the Ancients by Carrie Summers
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Devon continues on with Stonehaven...knowing Demons are camped and barely held off by Owen's magic.

Devon is a gamer and her job is playing in the gaming world. The NPC's and the world have come alive for me as much as they have for Devon. They do seem like real friends at times. And Devon is determined to take care of them all.

Devon has to find a way to keep the players and NPC's safe when the pattern changes and the demons attack. What Devon doesn't know is there's another enemy on it's way as well.

Devon is forced to take the town people and players into Ishildar for protection. And she needs to figure out how to activate the protections of the ancient city. The game has seen it fit that Devon should marry... A potential prince arrives... Fabio. lol. So funny. How will Devon react to that?

A few other things come to light for Devon. Her friend Haley has a...situation and some struggles that she wants to talk to Devon about. We know what it is from the last book. Emerson is hot on Haley's trail knowing something isn't right. What will happen when people find out?

I love this series. There's no denying that there's a real world and a gamer world. Devon has her first dates in the real world and things are awkward. It makes me smile hearing how the dates go. lol.

Even though the gaming world is definitely a game, it's fun and the consequences feel real for them other than the players respawn at their star born point. Devon really does care for her town and she has to make tough decisions for it. There are others that are starting to get the feel that the NPC's are more in this game than they usually are in other games.

There's a big event at the end of this book and it leaves me curious as to how it'll be fixed. I'm looking forward to listening to more of this series.

The narrators are great. Annie does most of the voices as the main narrator. Jeff joins as the voice of the male characters. They do give all the characters their own voices. Always great listening to them.

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Monday, July 1, 2024

Book Review: Valkyrie's Call by Michelle Manus

Valkyrie's Call (Aspect Society #2)Valkyrie's Call by Michelle Manus
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Michelle is great at viewing reactions and sharing how the other party sees those reactions. And how many times they are misunderstood. Our personal doubts can cloud our interpretation of actions or expressions. And that is something that happens in this book.

I love Random. I love Valkyrie.
These characters and the story are perfect for me.

Michelle moves the story forward with Valkyrie with Elijah being missing. Valkyrie needs to find him, and it's not why many think she wants to find him. She wants her few friends and family to be safe and if he's alive, they won't be. There's so much more to this story than anyone expected. Also looking for other kids who were taken by Danvers for experiments as well. I almost had this one figured out.

We do see both views in this book, of Valkyrie and Random.

Oh Valkyrie. She's been holding so so so much in and hiding more than we ever could have known. I figured some of it, but not all of it. Random. I love getting to learn more of Random's Aspect and his history as well. I love how everything mentioned or thought by the characters comes up and we see both sides of the moment.

I couldn't put this book down. I didn't want to put this book down.

The ending...*sigh* We get to see all the events to the end with the mission Valkyrie has herself on, and it's a much needed ending. I love how after all the emotional hurt that happened through this book needed time to heal, and it's given respectfully.

This does have steamy scenes that follows the story and the characters. I don't think they are the reason for the book which is nice. They are there but the story has it's own plot that is important.

Goodness do I love Michelle's writing style and plots and more.

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