Monday, September 16, 2024

Audio Book Review: Sinister Magic by Lindsay Buroker

Sinister Magic (Death Before Dragons, #1)Sinister Magic by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this book up on Kobo Plus to give it a try. It sounds like something that's right up my alley. And boy oh boy was I right. After listening to the first chapter, I knew Val was my kind of character.

The first chapter had action and that she's older, just over 40 years old, and has a few "human" struggles, even though half Elf... she is great. I love that we see some of her magical items and her personality shines.

Val is definitely a tough character and I love her for it. She does the things that need to be done to protect others, even if that means not seeing her family or fighting powerful beings. Val is the one running INTO the danger when she should be running away with the others.

Oh Val and her quick remarks. lol. She's perfect to stand up to a dragon that's sent to this world to collect criminals and return them to their world for punishment and rehabilitation.

I'm looking forward to seeing Zav more in the future books. He's so great at getting Val all irritated. lol. That's when she has her best quick clips back to him.

I enjoyed Vivienne Leheny as the narrator. She gave personality and dry humor to Val's words. She even voiced the other characters with different tones. Some sounded a little slow in speaking, but it was easy to tell which character was to be speaking.

I'll be listening to the next book and series, for sure!

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Book Review: Secrets at Nightfall by Amanda Bonilla

Secrets at Nightfall (Shaede Assassin #6)Secrets at Nightfall by Amanda Bonilla
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was a quick read for me. I enjoyed reading it each night. It feels like this book brings Darian back to even ground after all she's been through. Her feelings are more pronounced now that she's lost some, a good many, of her memories.

The year with these holes in her memories have been hard as she's tried to work for money for a new place to live and being hunted by others. I love that she is aware of a hollow spot in her heart too. That is an awareness that she had something or someone.

We see battles and friendships with Darian. She sure has different kinds of friendships.... from Camden to Anya and with Raif and Xander. She has more of her own created family than she realized.

The end of this book ties up many loose ends. However we are left with a few other loose ends. I do think with how things are with Darian and Tyler that those loose ends won't be loose for long. lol. But it would be interesting to see how they live on with the new rules. Very carefully, I would think.

Such a fun series to read. Darian had me nervous for her and many things through the series. I'm think she's in a good place here.

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Audio Book Review: Brightblade by C.T. Phipps

Brightblade (The Morgan Detective Agency #1)Brightblade by Michael Suttkus
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fun and light story with an underlining theme.

I enjoy reading C.T. Phipps's books for the fun references made to movies, songs, games, and so much more. I'll admit, I catch many of them but I'm sure there's a few that I've missed in listening to the story. I love it.

The characters are fun. Even when they are having one of the worst days of their lives. lol. There's quick clips back and forth as they go through the day and battles.

This book and series is set in the same world as Jane Doe, Straight out of Fangdom, and Red Room. They are all mentioned here so you get the feel of where Ashley and friends are located. I thought it was neat that Alex is present in this book (and hopefully series), which he was a boyfriend of Jane Doe's for a time too. It's neat to see how the books cross paths or are a history for this book.

I found there was a theme to the characters... What you are raised around doesn't mean it's right. You can be more and move past prejudices and more.

Ashley's day starts with trying to collect a bond's breaker and escalates to a trio of magical woman robbing a bank and her finding her long lost brother and into so much more. Lot's happening while we get to know the characters.

Where the story ends is at a mystery! Someone arrives, and I want to know what happens after this. Another book! :D Can't wait!

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Monday, September 2, 2024

Audio Book Review: Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas

Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

It has been one heck of a journey with Aelin and all the others. This book started at a very tough point in their lives. Got tougher. But we made it to the end. There maybe tears and laughs in getting here, but we're here.

War does a lot of things to people. From forming bonds of love to breaking those bonds and even the people. We see that through this book. So many emotions and realizations.

Things were looking badly without the fire heart in the beginning. Everyone was trying their best, and we could see the stress was high for them all. There are good and bad decisions, all done with the best of intentions for the kingdom.

This series is one whole journey that needs to be made from the beginning. And so worth the adventure.

I remember there was one character I wasn't fond of when I first met them. They turned out to be the one I was most moved for in the end. The most tears for. I loved the manifestation to who she became and getting there. Manon. Even Dorian became more than the sheltered prince.

Aelin and her swagger and quick clips are always great. But when she broke, it was hard. The ending was worth it all.

I'm left wanting to see how their lives go. I want to know about the families they have and how they stay in touch and what fun adventures they have. I want so much more with them all!

This series is worth the read or listen. Great to meet the characters and live through their wins and battles with life, each other, and fight for what they believe in.

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