Monday, August 26, 2024

Book Review: Shadows at Midnight by Amanda Bonilla

Shadows at Midnight (Shaede Assassin, #5)Shadows at Midnight by Amanda Bonilla
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book kept me reading. Each night, I couldn't wait to read more and even wanted to stay up later to keep going.

We start the book with Darian imprisoned and tortured because of someone she killed, for Xander. This was a tough moment to get through. The torture that she endured. Wow. This would truly be terrible to come back from. But there's one special person in her life that can help with his magic and their bond.

When Xander trades himself for Darian's freedom and his part in the killing, Darian can't take it. She pulls a team together and goes to get him. Along the way, Darian starts to see more of Tyler's power and what he can do. He could be frightful if she didn't know him so well.

Darian doesn't get much down time after the terrible labyrinth of traps and illusions. Xander needs help returning to the real world after his torture. And the Synod is present...

Darian has been one who's not had any friends or anyone close enough to be like family in centuries. She's now grown close to those around her. She's always there to help them any way she can. Darian and Tyler's bond grows stronger and they are closer and closer. But there's pieces that Tyler's still not ready to share just yet, which Darian fears could mean danger for her or them.

I liked seeing Tyler in action more here. And we do finally get to learn pieces about Tyler and the jinn. I loved Tyler but I wasn't sure he was always thinking to protect Darian in the first books. He seemed bossy and territorial. But now, he's more on the protective and loving side. I feel their relationship has grown into more and they are great together. (And I'm glad Darian has made a decision on which man's for her.)

The ending of this book.... it'll leave you wanting the next! So so glad I have it here because I have to know how things will go next.

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Monday, August 19, 2024

Audio Book Review: Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas

Tower of Dawn (Throne of Glass, #6)Tower of Dawn by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is of Chaol and Nesryn's journey to Antica to find Chaol healer(s) to help heal him to walk and to talk to them to bring home an army to help fight the Valg. What they find in Antica is so much more than they expected.

I've loved Chaol from the beginning. I thought he was getting a bit more brooding coming into this book. This book takes Chaol back to being himself again. Yrene is the healer that can help him. And she is great at standing up to him, although she has her own struggles to work past as well...Because Chaol is from the land whose soldiers killed her mother.

These two go head to head with their personal trauma. And in doing so, Yrene works through that barrier in Chaol. He is holding himself back with that darkness that's left feeding off of what he is holding in. Chaol slowly opens up to Yrene, as she does with him. They grow closer and closer.

Nesryn came with Chaol to her family's home land. She looks forward to seeing family here and feels even more comfortable here. She finds she has much in common with one of the Princes, Sartaq.

When Sartaq readies to fly out to his Rukhin troops, he asks Nesryn to go with him. She agrees. And their adventure begins. The dangers they face open their eyes to more than they wanted to admit. And they learn great details and information about Maeve and the Valg. So many details!

Oh wow. The things learned in this book. Just wait until they return to the others and share this information. WOW! It's going to make a HUGE difference!

I love where the people go in this story. Nesryn's adventures were ones I was looking forward to each time I listened to the story.

Have the Valg arrived at this continent too?

I love listening to this book. The narrator is amazing. I listened to it in tandem with Empire of Storms and they really compliment each other well. The things we learn...some major points picked up!

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Monday, August 12, 2024

Audio Book Review: Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas

Empire of Storms (Throne of Glass, #5)Empire of Storms by Sarah J. Maas
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There's one thing to be said about being late to a series. At least all the books are out.

I listened to this in tandem with Tower of Dawn. So it took me a LOT longer to get through this than normal.

This book is about Aelin, Rowan, Darian, Manon, Elide, and Lorcan's journey over time. All they had to do and endure to get to where they needed to be. To find the lock.

They all have separate journeys that come together as one.

I'll say. I'm amazed at the masterful planning of Aelin's mind. She's really learned some serious skills other than being an assassin from her former master. All her contacts in the past, through her short life and she's made the rounds, are seen here. We see how she's played her hand and who answers.

There's a little unexpected event that comes about at the end. But, Aelin saw when it happened and she quickly planned for it. Wow, she's quick on her feet.

This book was amazing. It's interesting to see how the different gods and goddesses influence their selected person through life to get to this point. Leading them to others that can help, and possibly fall in love with, to where they are needed.

They all bring a piece of the puzzle to Aelin with what they learn of the Valg, Morath, and other people and places that are involved.

I really do think this story and series is masterfully planned out and put into words.

The narrator is wonderful with her accents and personalities for the characters.

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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Book Review: Against the Dawn by Amanda Bonilla

Against the Dawn (Shaede Assassin, #4)Against the Dawn by Amanda Bonilla
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book had me reaching for it each night (my reading time). I even stayed up later or went to bed sooner at times to read.

Darian has returned from her stay in O Anel. It was two weeks away for her, but six months for everyone at home. Darian's still healing and adjusting after what happened. She has many friends who help in their own ways. Darian wants to work, and gets a job from Tyler.

And, her past has resurfaced. Lorik has returned to town and has his sights set on high goals. Goals he wants Darian to help him achieve. And after getting her job from Tyler, Lorik's goals may lead her to her job focus.

Truthfully, I didn't trust Lorik from the beginning. He is not one to trust to have your back. He just wants what he wants. And there's something more here too.

Oh Darian. She's stuck in the love triangle that shouldn't be so hard. She loves, wants, and needs Tyler. Xander... he just doesn't know the word no. So, with his position as King in turmoil in his kingdom, he has Tyler arrested for hitting him in public in the previous book. Xander is determined that he can protect Darian. That he can give her what she needs. And yet, in the end....

Darian is struggling emotionally. She's got a lot that's happened and getting past all of it, well, that may not be 100% for a very, very long time. If ever. She has friends that help her. But there's others that think they know best for her. Ugh. If I was her, I may give up on trusting anyone ever again. But Darian is open to her friends and appreciates them. She even gives others opportunities that come back.

With the way this book ended, I'm definitely on to the next book. I need to know what happens!

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