Monday, January 8, 2024

Audio Book Review: Moon Cops on the Moon by C.T. Phipps

Moon Cops on the Moon!Moon Cops on the Moon! by C.T. Phipps
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

As usual with C.T. Phipps's books, I had fun. Always a pleasure to read/listen to his books. This one, I listened to the audio book.

First, the narrator. I have to say, I'm going to date myself. But have you ever listened to the song "Wet Dream" by Kip? The tone to the voice, I found the narrator reminded me of it. lol. The old time detective feel with hidden innuendoes in the words. So cool.

The story is a detective/mystery style as Neal learns the ropes of being on the moon, a not so pleasant place to be with crime. Neal has a smart partner, Lucy, who has her own past with her mom's fame. Great detectives in a high crime place.

Then there's Barksley. lol. A talking dog. I love it and his history as well.

Everyone's got a "history" that's a hoot and fun to learn and see how it impacts them and the story here.

The story has a little feel of influence from the movie Cherry 2000. Also, with the punk feel from 1920-ish detective feel. I love this blend! I've not read much with this blend and I want more!

I'm afraid to give too much on the plot as I don't want to give it away. I want you to learn with Neal as you go through the book and world for the first time.

There is fun and action and guns along with high speed chase. All great things to add to the cyber punk feel.

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