Monday, November 6, 2023

Audio Book Review: Atlantis by David Wood

Atlantis (Dane Maddock, #6)Atlantis by David Wood
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

David Wood never disappoints. I love how his stories always start with a a bang and into action we go. Though, Dane Maddock and Bones aren't the type to lounge around and do nothing. Well, at least not for long. lol. Then, the rest of the crew follows suit easily. This is why they all are great together on the missions.

Each member of the crew knows who they are and have bold personalities. They aren't afraid to be themselves and voice things. Also, all things are welcome to be voiced as in their line of work there could be danger if not discussed beforehand. This makes for a great friendships when you trust people so truly. Which leads to great quick quips and banter. Great friends like family. And some family too. ;)

As expected, there's lots of action and mystery and danger. I love seeing them go diving, climbing, and so much more.

The group does separate in this book to accomplish different goals on the same mission. Sometimes I struggled keeping up with what we learn and keeping it straight as we moved on to the next group. That's when things are coming to a head and we need all the pieces at the same time!

I enjoy these books so much, I went and printed the checklist from David's site so I can track what I've listened to and what I still need. :) I'm going to work to get on track and in order with his books. :)

View all my reviews

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