Monday, October 7, 2024

Audio Book Review: Secrets of the Sword 1 by Lindsay Buroker

Secrets of the Sword I (Death Before Dragons, #7)Secrets of the Sword I by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Val's not one to be...gentle about how she handles things. Especially a strange artifact that's poisoning wildlife at a farm. The magic from the artifact turns Chopper into a beacon for any and all magical beings in this world and others to come take it.

Val is great at fighting, and crowing stronger with her magic usage but there's only so many attacks at one time a person can defend against. Zav will help. Either scare them off or fight them off.

Seeing Zav and Val together, fighting and interacting, is fun. Their relationship is growing and their banter is fun as Zav is still learning sayings and things in the human world. However, there are still men that hit on his mate. Zav doesn't like it. He can't figure out why humans don't see the magical mark he's put on Val.

Willard points out that there's a way to show men that Val's taken. Put a ring on her finger...Marriage is the human way. Now, Zav is determined to find the perfect ring for Val. One with magic. However, Val doesn't think she's ready for marriage. Not yet...

Val has someone after her in all of this!

I like seeing how Val is starting to control her Elven magic and use it. She's gaining the ability to defend and even starting to learn something that could be offensive too. We also see that Val is growing in her personal relationships! We see her with her daughter and those who have become close friends. She still has moments where people are in danger because of their connection to Val, but it doesn't feel to be as personal as when the series started. These people know the risks and accept them. Heck, they even dive in to the risks to help Val.

It's so fun that people think she's weird. Val has her own way about things, and she's found the perfect person, erm dragon, that fits her. What she likes to do and say, they fit as a pair.

In spending all this time together, and then what Zav does for her, Val will start to see what she truly feels of their relationship... will she be ready to get married?

Val also starts to see Chopper, her dragon slaying sword, in a new light. Finding out more about this sword would be a great idea...

I'm loving these books. I'll be on to the next soon!

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

Audio Book Review: Storm Forged by Lindsay Buroker

Storm Forged (Death Before Dragons, #6)Storm Forged by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Val comes face to face with more of Zav's family problems. Politics mostly. Dragons are all about politics among the Dragon Court for power. And Val is just a tiny mongrel in the mix.

Val is moved into her new home with her new roommates... Dimitri, Freysha, and the vampire in the basement, Zoltan. As she feared, the house is full of mold. And Val's lungs aren't dealing well with the mold. She doesn't want anyone to know she has a weakness as Zav and others are seeing her as a warrior. And if Zav knew....would he still want her at his side?

At their first "family" dinner, where Val's ex-husband and daughter come along with others, things go sideways when a gnome rushes into the back yard and collapses.

Darn. Val really didn't want the supernatural world to know where she lived...

The trolls and dragons find her shortly after.

And a Dragon that's sent to mate with Zav. By his mother.
Val's potential love life might be over before it even gets started. If this mate can help Zav and his family with their standing on the Dragon might be for the best for his family. And he's an honorable guy like that. Right?

This book felt slightly slower for me. We learn more about Zav's family and their history, Val's father when here, and a few other details on gnomes and Nin's grandfather. Lots of great information about everything, and we need it.

I do love that Lindsay is blending details and people from previous books into this book. Nothing is forgotten and is helpful along the way.

I'm breezing right through these audio books and I'm ready to dive into the next.

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Monday, September 30, 2024

Audio Book Review: False Security by Lindsay Buroker

False Security (Death Before Dragons, #5)False Security by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Val is her own person and has bills to pay, like the jeep that was totaled months ago when that black dragon *cough* Zav *cough* threw it in the trees when they first met. So she takes a job as a body guard when approached. The pay was such that she couldn't pass it up.

However, Zav is not too happy about it. First, he wants to take Val to learn her magic so no one can compel her to do things, like kill him. Second, he doesn't trust that male.

Val... wins yet doesn't win. lol.

Val also is growing closer to the group of friends she's created.... Dimitri, Nin, Zoltan (if you want to call him a friend as a vampire that wants to taste her blood with dragon aura), and the group is growing.

Dimitri wants to open his own store with Zoltan and asks Nin for help. Val thinks about joining in too! All until Dimitri goes missing while looking for Zoltan who's missing too. There's a connection here, and Val is determined to find her friend(s) and stop the attacks that are happening. All while working as a bodyguard and going to another world to learn her elven magic.

Val is really coming around to helping other magical beings. She's seeing they aren't all evil. Though she may have some trust issues, she's open with those she talks to and shares that. And learns to trust or start to trust those around her.

I'm hooked on these books and love seeing Val come around from a solo personality to starting to like having others around her. She's come out of her shell so much with these people. She's not the best at conversations. Val brings things up in a snarky way that her friends know well and then the conversations evolve and the important topics are discussed.

A great corky group of people that fit together.

As for the love relationship with Val and Zav.... still waiting. Some steamy kisses but that's about it for this book and so far in the series. I'm good with that. I'm here for the kick butt action and snark of Val with her friends and Zav.

The narrator is the same through the series thus far and I'm glad. She's got different voices for each of the characters which helps me differentiate between them. Always great listening.

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Thursday, September 26, 2024

Audio Book Review: Elven Doom by Lindsay Buroker

Elven Doom (Death Before Dragons, #4)Elven Doom by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Lindsay is building upon her world and characters with each book. She mentions something, and it will come up in how things are done soon enough. It may be in the previous book or current book, but it's all building and growing on itself. I love seeing authors do this. They are using the growing information about magic, world, characters, and more to keep the momentum of the story going while being grounded to the world.

Val is working hard to over come her worry for others, especially when the others are telling her they are going in with their eyes open and know the consequences. They are consenting adults.

That's what's important to remember as Willard and a crew of magical soldiers go with Val on a mission in this book. And there could be casualties, but they are aware and willing. It's NOT because of Val.

Val is trying to deal with Zav's sister that's come to check Val out as she's convinced her brother is doing the wrong thing with mating with a human, half elf. Remember that last instance.... Zav's sister is going to nose into parts of Val's life that she's not going to be happy about. Along with making Zav realize there's trouble with having Val.

I feel like the tables are turned on Val here slightly. Zav is the one who now fears he'll bring danger to Val that she can't protect herself from by claiming her. Val is a strong person but dragons are significantly stronger and could be a danger to her. Val sees that in just the few dragons that she's met already. And is Zav's sister any different?

But maybe, just maybe. Val is a weak link against Zav....

This book was one to learn a little more about dragons and see about Zav and Val looking at if they really want a relationship. They will go through a tough time in figuring this out, and maybe more to come.

We see Val fighting on her own with Sindari and Willard and others that are brought in. Maybe these could be new friends for Val in the future? And we see Zav fight as well.

There are simple reasons for Zav to leave the world or to be skittish with Val regarding trust. But they feel to fit well with the characters especially after events happen.

I'll be onto the next audio book soon! I'm having fun listening to Vivienne narrate these stories.

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Monday, September 23, 2024

Audio Book Review: Tangled Truths by Lindsay Buroker

Tangled Truths (Death Before Dragons, #3)Tangled Truths by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Not all are dangerous. There are a few that are, but that doesn't mean all the beings are.

Val is trying so hard to give other beings a chance in a world that sees them all as dangerous.

I love how much Val is growing. She talks about things with everyone that she wouldn't have done before. And I don't think she knows she's doing it. This is with her mom and Zav. Her relationships are growing! All relationships.

I love her interactions with them and her snark that pops up. They are getting to know her and know what the snark means, which can lead to great personal conversations. Even with Willard, her boss. Willard and Val can snark back and forth and it's funny. They even laugh at each other.

This book is wonderful seeing Val out of her comfort zone of going in and killing. She's on a different mission, that happens to be where her ex husband and daughter and mother are vacationing. Oh boy. And Zav demands her attention, and help. lol.

Val is to see what's happening at this little vacation town and report to Willard so they can work from there. On her way, yet another dragon shows up. This one is determined to get information out of her mind on what happened to his son. Zav returns in time to protect Val, but he has a mission to find the Dark Elves so can't be here to protect her... But this new dragon is determined and Val worries he'll drag her daughter into this to get to her.

Zav and Val's relationship is different and fun. I'm starting to think only a dragon is perfect for Val. lol.

Even though we are on a mission to HELP, and Val who's struggling with how to help is doing great, we still have our battles. And Val takes on a number of dragons!

I'm having fun with this series. I'm loving the characters personalities and interactions. And fighting along with that is great for me. :)

The narrator does a great job at voicing the characters differently for us too. Thank you!

Onward to the next book I go. :)

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Thursday, September 19, 2024

Audio Book Review: Battle Bond by Lindsay Buroker

Battle Bond (Death Before Dragons, #2)Battle Bond by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Val is a magnet for trouble. And magical trouble. She's one of the best at handling it.

Val's working on seeing more in everyone than the surface. She's working on seeing magical beings as more, though she's never really had a chance to look any further than her current job. She's starting to see there are others here that are refugees from other worlds, and they aren't bad. To help her image, when she comes across those that aren't bad and are in trouble, she's helping them.

I never saw Val as one that would go after anyone in the magical community, just someone that's handed a job and deals with it. But the magical community sees what she does for a living and sees her another way... Ruin Bringer.

This book brings Val closer with her friends, Nin, Dimitri, and even Zultan. And even the one dragon, she didn't expect. Zav.

There's another dragon in town and Zav needs her help to find him. In striking a deal to help Zav, and Zav to help her with threats on Nin, Val and Zav start to see things a little clearer with each other. Until Val does something that can threaten the even land they've come to. And maybe even something more that seems to have started to spark.

I'm loving how Val is always in the middle of things, and even though she wants to help, things seem to turn a little tilted and go wrong....even if the result is what is needed. Val's not perfect and I love it. She's got a tough exterior that people see, but there's more to her and I love we're starting to see some of that in her.

I'm thrilled the narrator is the same for this series. I feel like she's caught her stride in these books and doing great with the different voices and personalities, and even accents. I'm on to the next book!

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Monday, September 16, 2024

Audio Book Review: Sinister Magic by Lindsay Buroker

Sinister Magic (Death Before Dragons, #1)Sinister Magic by Lindsay Buroker
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I picked this book up on Kobo Plus to give it a try. It sounds like something that's right up my alley. And boy oh boy was I right. After listening to the first chapter, I knew Val was my kind of character.

The first chapter had action and that she's older, just over 40 years old, and has a few "human" struggles, even though half Elf... she is great. I love that we see some of her magical items and her personality shines.

Val is definitely a tough character and I love her for it. She does the things that need to be done to protect others, even if that means not seeing her family or fighting powerful beings. Val is the one running INTO the danger when she should be running away with the others.

Oh Val and her quick remarks. lol. She's perfect to stand up to a dragon that's sent to this world to collect criminals and return them to their world for punishment and rehabilitation.

I'm looking forward to seeing Zav more in the future books. He's so great at getting Val all irritated. lol. That's when she has her best quick clips back to him.

I enjoyed Vivienne Leheny as the narrator. She gave personality and dry humor to Val's words. She even voiced the other characters with different tones. Some sounded a little slow in speaking, but it was easy to tell which character was to be speaking.

I'll be listening to the next book and series, for sure!

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