Monday, March 24, 2025

Book Review: A Wild Kind of Darkness by Skyla Dawn Cameron

A Wild Kind of Darkness (Waverly Jones #2)A Wild Kind of Darkness by Skyla Dawn Cameron
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Skyla has turned this fantasy reader into a mystery, fiction reader.

Wow. I was super invested in this book for the characters and the cold case.

The books first draw for me was Waverly trying to get in to see the person she found at the end of the last book. (I don't want to give anything away!) She's as patient as she can be. I love Waverly because she's a damaged character with her own baggage, and trying to not sound like a creepy stalker. As we get to see this person, I am completely invested in what they have to share, offer, and how they are doing. Will they make it?

While we are waiting for hospital visitation times, we have a person who comes to Waverly with a cold case of a family member. The family was never allowed to speak of an aunt that was murdered with her boyfriend. It was too hard on the father. So, now that the father's passed away (of natural causes) the family would like to get some information on the case. Waverly accepts it, expecting to not really find anything with the age of the case.

I really enjoyed how Waverly found who she wanted to talk with and the "chats" they had. Waverly has a direct fashion about her and this makes for fun interactions. But, things start happening around Waverly. She finds another dead body. She's attacked. She puts it all together in the end. Great ending for this cold case! I had the twinges of thoughts, but didn't go that path so it was a nice surprise to see the ending. And the details are in the book, a couple of times, to fit with this ending.

There is also the over all elephant in the room... What happened to Meadow's body? Where's the murderer? This book doesn't give many details on it but we all have it in the back of our minds. We are waiting for our newest character to remember anything that happened to them...and maybe what could lead to Meadow's body. This is the mystery of the series arc, and I am looking forward to learning more as Waverly shares thoughts and bounces ideas off our new secondary character. I can't wait!

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