By: Pip Ballantine & Tee Morris
Written & Narrated by: Suna Dasi
Format: Podcast, Part 1: 41:40 minutes Part 2: 35:51 minutes
Genre: Fantasy, Steampunk
Series: 5th in Tales of the Archives Vol. 3 podcasts, part of A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences series
Recommendation: Nice way to meet new characters and authors in this steampunk-ish world particularly if you enjoyed the book; A Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences Novel, Phoenix Rising. The archives are full of stories to be told.
Part 1:
Those Dark Satanic Mills
Beehive Mill
Ancoats, District of Manchester, England
Agent Imogen Feaveryear finds herself investigating a mysterious panic overcoming a mill in the countryside of Manchester, England. The unassuming mystery, dismissed by other agents of the Ministry, leads her to India, the approval of Doctor Sound on granting the young agent the latest in R&D technology. This case only twists and turns harder as Imogen confronts an enigmatic intruder, obviously aware of her clandestine work.
My Thoughts and Summary:
Three textile companies have had accidents and all the workers end up dead. Agent Imogen can't let the case go and alone will follow the leads to India to learn what has been going on with the factories that
We start with Tybias, a textile company worker. He uses the press to cut fabric. I was curious about the dirty man with glowing orange cloth and a trident in his hand. Sounded like he was a clan master or magic involved.
Surprise! Agent Smith is backing away and wants Agent Imogen to do as well. He's changed since last case together (in India). We first meet Agent Smith in The Shadows of Calcutta by Phil Rossi in Volume 1.
I'm curious about the mysterious device Doctor Sound gave Agent Imogen. That there is a tie to her heritage! Makes me curious about her as well.
Then we are left wondering what the person that broke into her room wanted. How is he connected to the case she is working on with the mills? How did he heal so fast!?
Part 2
Kolkata, India
Traveling alone through the mystery and intrigue of India, Agent Imogen Feaveryear follows the clues from Manchester, England to unearth a grand conspiracy against the Empire. Feaveryear, armed only with facts and the basic of armaments from R&D technology, dares to discover the true cause behind the dark magic haunting England's industrial progress.
My Thoughts and Summary:
The few survivors of the mill attacks are not faring well. It's a mass hysteria of dog like reactions from them. The Indian sorcerer that is cursing the fabric mills keeps striking. Agent Imogen is alone in India as Agent Smith prefers working from London.
All from the mills end up passing away. It's suspected there was a poison used.
Imogen finds out what the intruder wanted in her room. It wasn't what he took but what he left. She sees a herbalist in India to help her. Then things start to fall into place for Agent Imogen. When she visits a fabric mill, she catches on to what is happening here.
A surprise in the end. Agent Imogen solves the case.
Would you like to listen to these? For a taste of the characters or in addition to the book... Visit The Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences.
You can find these for your Reading pleasure in any eFormat you would like at Smashwords.
You can find the Archives: Amazon Kindle ~ Tales from the Archives
There are short stories always added to the listing. So keep checking back!
I listened to this short story for my own enjoyment.
It sounds like an interesting investigation! Glad you had a good time with it!
ReplyDelete:) I do so enjoy all of these Melliane. :) Thank you!